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与 mantlet 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In contrast to the results obtained in this teast with 17pdr SABOT, in firing conducted by First U.S. Army at Balleroy on 10 July 44, 5 rounds were fired at the front plate of a Panther tank at 700 yards. Examination of pictures of this firing indicates that the first round struck the mantlet, the second between the track and the nose plate, the third at the junction of the nose and glacis and penetrated.

相反,得到的结果在这次17pdr脱壳实验之前,首先进行的射击是美军在Balleroy 7月10日44 ,和用17 pdr SABOT在这里获得的结果形成对比,以700码5 次向正面一豹式油箱的射击,造成燃烧,对燃烧时的照片的检查表明第一个次击中mantlet,在首上和斜面装甲的交口处,在履带和首上,第3 次击中和第2 次击中并击穿。

From April of 1942, 20mm spaced armor was added to the gun mantlet and/or superstructure front.


The canvas mantlet cover on this M-41 is now ready for some Khaki paint followed by weathering and shading.


Henschel turret had the front curved mantlet replaced with one 180mm thick armor plate sloped at 81 degrees.


Starting in May of 1944, a new turret with a widened porthole was manufactured, which resulted in the sight being moved to the left. The armour protection of the tank's mantlet was improved and the armour thickness of the sides of the lower hull was increased.


Later variants had a rotating periscope for the driver, a new exhaust arrangement, a new mantlet design to eliminate the shot trap and a new engine deck layout with a raised fan cover.


From August of 1940 until 1942, all Ausf E tanks were rearmed with 50mm KwK 38 L/42 gun mounted in an external mantlet housing one MG.

从1940年8月到1942年,所有的E型坦克换装50mm KwK 38 L/42 火炮,in an external mantlet housing one MG。

Vanguard The discarded mantlet of one of Gul'dan's Death Knights, Vanguard defends its wielder from even the most vicious of attacks with ease.


Modifications included the addition of three wooden logs to both sides of the superstructure, armor around the gun mantlet was reinforced with concrete, tracks were mounted on the lower front hull and both sides of the hull along with stowage bins.


The improved late version with new sideskirts and mantlet was modelled by OMNI, skinned by AaronAsh and Lobo, normal mapped by AaronAsh and got the tracks from Jimbob and Montoya.



The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
