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And the Assyrian will fall by the sword not of a man, And the sword not of man will devour him.

31:8 亚述人必倒在刀下,并非人的刀;有刀要将他吞灭,并非人的刀。

Notice in today's Gospel we have the story of the rich man and the unjust manager. Here we find the rich man commending the manager for his astuteness in providing for his future; for the children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light!


He was not only a man of intelligence and bravery, but also a man of resources and astuteness.


1 To apply reason and prudence to the solution of man's problems instead of yielding to atavist instincts and passions.PA:... to solve issues of man with reason and try to avoid respongding to them impulsively.


So one man is described as generous, another as a miser; one is called open-handed, another tight-fisted; one man is cruel, another gentle; one untrustworthy, another reliable; one effeminate and cowardly, another bold and violent; one sympathetic, another self-important; one promiscuous, another monogamous; one straightforward, another duplicitous; one tough, another easy-going; one serious, another cheerful; one religious, another atheistical; and so on.


Pelagianism is that teaching, originating in the late fourth century, which stresses man's ability to take the initial steps toward salvation by his own efforts, apart from special grace. It is sharply opposed by Augustinianism, which emphasizes the absolute necessity of God's interior grace for man's salvation.


I know a man who thinks it does not. I know another man who spent a year of his childhood in Auschwitz.


As the transition phase is in the human ancestor Australopithecus, and would create between tools, so understanding the organism from the ape to man the change, understanding the way of life from the ape to man's way of life changes and the origin of human-made tools , all have very important significance.


Col. 2:13, and the Westminster Confession says:"Man by his fall into a state of sin, hath wholly lost all ability of will to any spiritual good accompanying salvation; so as a natural man, being altogether averse from that good, and dead in sin, is not able by his own strength to convert himself, or to prepare himself thereunto" IX.


A Person in the low place comes to realize the danger when ascending a height ; A man in the darkness comes to know the dazzle when exposed to the bright; A person of tranquility only becomes aware of the toil when put to the trial of movement; A man of silence only comes to understand the impatience when met with a babbler .


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Man To Man
One Man Woman, One Woman Man
It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World
It's a Man's, Man's, Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
