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Just as we must understand when it is said, That Aesculapius prescribed to this man horse-exercise, or bathing in cold water or going without shoes; so we must understand it when it is said, That the nature of the universe prescribed to this man disease or mutilation or loss or anything else of the kind.


The very insistence on the unity of God emphasized also the distance of God from man, and was likely to end in making the union of God with man a mere indwelling or external union, after the fashion of that which was attributed to Nestorius.


Agape has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

013 人为朋友舍命,人的爱心没有比这个大的。

Well, and about the business of the agora, dealings and the ordinarydealings between man and man, or again about agreements with the commencement


Man had already become both agriculturist and animal husbandry man which, in turn, soon led to the specialization of labor and development of village life.


Nine thousand years ago , in the foothills of the Zagros Mountains man had already become both agriculturist and animal husbandry man which , in turn , soon led to the specialization of labor and development of village life .


With these words ,the British Minister of Air turned and raised his glass to the young man who sat beside him—a young man who ,only a month before ,was completely unknown .


It t ak es a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.


The merchant who says:"Montpellier not active, Marseilles fine quality," the broker on 'change who says:"Assets at end of current month," the gambler who says:"Tiers et tout, refait de pique," the sheriff of the Norman Isles who says: The holder in fee reverting to his landed estate cannot claim the fruits of that estate during the hereditary seizure of the real estate by the mortgagor," the playwright who says:"The piece was hissed," the comedian who says:"I've made a hit," the philosopher who says:"Phenomenal triplicity," the huntsman who says:"Voileci allais, Voileci fuyant," the phrenologist who says:"Amativeness, combativeness, secretiveness," the infantry soldier who says:"My shooting-iron," the cavalry-man who says:"My turkey-cock," the fencing-master who says:"Tierce, quarte, break,"the printer who says:"My shooting-stick and galley,--all, printer, fencing-master, cavalry dragoon, infantry-man, phrenologist, huntsman, philosopher, comedian, playwright, sheriff, gambler, stock-broker, and merchant, speak slang.


Therefore, under communist society in which alienatedlabor is discarded, the return of man to his true self will necessarily cause man to have overall occupation of labor bes-ides having the generic essence of labor type——alogical co-nclusion to arrive at when we study Marx's theories on human alienation and on human generic essence and practical essence.


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Man To Man
One Man Woman, One Woman Man
It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World
It's a Man's, Man's, Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
