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Father, thy word is past, man shall find grace; And shall grace not find means, that finds her way, The speediest of thy winged messengers, To visit all thy creatures, and to all [ 230 ] Comes unprevented, unimplor'd, unsought, Happie for man, so coming; he her aide Can never seek, once dead in sins and lost; Attonement for himself or offering meet, Indebted and undon, hath none to bring: [ 235 ] Behold mee then, mee for him, life for life I offer, on mee let thine anger fall; Account mee man; I for his sake will leave Thy bosom, and this glorie next to thee Freely put off, and for him lastly dye [ 240 ] Well pleas'd, on me let Death wreck all his rage; Under his gloomie power I shall not long Lie vanquisht; thou hast givn me to possess Life in my self for ever, by thee I live, Though now to Death I yield, and am his due [ 245 ] All that of me can die, yet that debt paid, Thou wilt not leave me in the loathsom grave His prey, nor suffer my unspotted Soule For ever with corruption there to dwell; But I shall rise Victorious, and subdue [ 250 ] My Vanquisher, spoild of his vanted spoile; Death his deaths wound shall then receive, and stoop Inglorious, of his mortal sting disarm'd.


The appearance of this man had sufficed to suffuse with light that matter which had been so obscure but a moment previously, without any further explanation: the whole crowd, as by a sort of electric revelation, understood instantly and at a single glance the simple and magnificent history of a man who was delivering himself up so that another man might not be condemned in his stead.


How many things are there which a man cannot, with any face or comeliness, say or do himself A man can scarce allege his own merits with modesty, much less extol them; a man cannot sometimes brook to supplicate or beg; and a number of the like.


The independence of the function is discussed focusing on the connection between man and language by analyzing the important concept of Chinese classical poetics Feelings-expressed-by-sound , which shows the opening and harmonious connection between the inner formalized feelings of man and the outer formalized sound of poetry or between man and language. As the formalized emotion, the feelings of the sound formed don't depend on social emotion.


The essence of the traditional theodicy is a basic question of righteousness in the relationship of man-man, although this is expressed as a formulation of the relationship of man-God.


The main ideas of development the environment law maintains are coordination, coexistence and harmonious evolution, which indicate a tridimensional notion that embodies the values of the relationship between Man and Nature, man and society, and man and egos.


This society makes it seems that the man has truthless sexual de man d, major man can mix the gender very easily love is apart.


Thy Godlike crime was to be kind, 36 To render with thy precepts less 37 The sum of human wretchedness, 38 And strengthen Man with his own mind; 39 But baffled as thou wert from high, 40 Still in thy patient energy, 41 In the endurance, and repulse 42 Of thine impenetrable Spirit, 43 Which Earth and Heaven could not convulse, 44 A mighty lesson we inherit: 45 Thou art a symbol and a sign 46 To Mortals of their fate and force; 47 Like thee, Man is in part divine, 48 A troubled stream from a pure source; 49 And Man in portions can foresee 50 His own funereal destiny; 51 His wretchedness, and his resistance, 52 And his sad unallied existence: 53 To which his Spirit may oppose 54 Itself--and equal to all woes, 55 And a firm will, and a deep sense, 56 Which even in torture can descry 57 Its own concenter'd recompense, 58 Triumphant where it dares defy, 59 And making Death a Victory.

三 你神圣的罪恶是怀有仁心,你要以你的教训减轻人间的不幸,并且振奋起人自立的精神;尽管上天和你蓄意为敌,但你那抗拒强暴的毅力,你那百折不挠的灵魂——天上和人间的暴风雨怎能摧毁你的果敢和坚忍!你给了我们有力的教训:你是一个标记,一个征象,标志着人的命运和力量;和你相同,人也有神的一半,是浊流来自圣洁的源泉;人也能够一半儿预见他自己的阴惨的归宿;他那不幸,他的不肯屈服,和他那生存的孤立无援:但这一切反而使他振奋,逆境会唤起顽抗的精神使他与灾难力敌相持,坚定的意志,深刻的认识;即使在痛苦中,他能看到其中也有它凝聚的酬报;他骄傲他敢于反抗到底,呵,他会把死亡变为胜利。

In his painting ' Turning Head ' depicts a headless man walking on tightrope .He extends his hands and in them is the expression of pale face .' Great Man ' depicts a mutihead man gives out the crackers . ' Unprevented Smooth ' shows envy is always coming with misery . in Li Dapeng ' s painting ,hero is always with masks .


In his painting ' Turning Head ' depicts a headless man walking on tightrope .He extends his hands and in them is the expression_r of pale face .' Great Man ' depicts a mutihead man gives out the crackers . ' Unprevented Smooth ' shows envy is always coming with misery . in Li Dapeng ' s painting ,hero is always with masks .


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Man To Man
One Man Woman, One Woman Man
It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World
It's a Man's, Man's, Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
