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According to the Bible, God breathed the spirit of life into man with the kiss of life."And the Lord God formed man of the slime of the earth: and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul."


The positions between American women and Chinese womens are all not high, but the American women be lucky they can enjoy many traditional knight's customs, the respect women's etiquette is in the beautiful country society everywhere it is thus clear that:The man opens the door for the lady;Support the lady get off;On the street, the man walk outside side, the lady walk seamy side, to provide protection for lady; When lady have meal the hall, all mans want to stood up;Dining table front, the man wants to draw back the chair for the lady, treating the lady to stand to like the position to send back again the chair after death, the lady asks her to sit.


In fact, the high-heel shoe what is popular by ladys is the rage from the end of 16 century, but at that time it isn't lady's patent, man also pull on the the high-heel shoe,make man increase his stature,and that called " Man's Hgh-heel Shoe", It is very popular by gentleman.


The second chapter discusses the deep-layer reason of the formation of the belief from the two layers-classical thought and the general knowledge, thought and belief, analyzes deeply the factors of promoting the formation of the belief. We think the decisive power for the formation of the belief was still man" s longing for everlasting life, happiness and freedom. The human-centered reason provoked directly man" s wishes of magnifying life power and seeking the freedom of spirits; The turbulent social environment stimulated man s thirst for life and happiness; The free atmosphere of thought made it possible for the people to develop fully their imagination and to show fully the power of human nature; The thought of Taoist School and Yin-Yang Wu Xing provided the theory basis for the formation of immortal belief.


While Maimonides and his followers regarded philosophical speculation as the highest duty of man, and even made the immortality of the soul dependent on it; or, speaking more correctly, while immortality meant for them only the highest development of "active intellect" in man, to which only a few attained, the Cabalists taught not only that every man may expect a great deal in the future world, according to his good and pious actions, but even that he is the most important factor in nature in this world.

虽然迈蒙尼德和他的追随者视为投机哲学的最高责任人,甚至作出不朽的灵魂依赖於它,或者更准确地讲,而永生意味著不仅为他们的最高发展"积极的智慧"在人,其中只有少数几个实现, Cabalists教的不仅是每个人可以指望得到了大量的未来世界,根据他的良好的和虔诚的行动,但即使他是最重要的因素的性质在这个世界上。

Man and his wife /his man Friday /Be a man!


A merchantman; a man-of-war.the war left him immeasurably fearful of what man can do to man .


For she has given to man, as an antidote against the stupid man, mildness, and against another kind of man some other power.


All this Labour I was at the Expence of, purely from my Apprehensions on the Account of the Print of a Man's Foot which I had seen; for as yet I never saw any human Creature come near the Island, and I had now liv'd two Years under these Uneasinesses, which indeed made my Life much less comfortable than it was before; as may well be imagin'd by any who know what it is to live in the constant Snare of the Fear of Man; and this I must observe with Grief too, that the Discomposure of my Mind had too great Impressions also upon the religious Part of my Thoughts, for the Dread and Terror of falling into the Hands of Savages and Canibals, lay so upon my Spirits, that I seldom found my self in a due Temper for Application to my Maker, at least not with the sedate Calmness and Resignation of Soul which I was wont to do; I rather pray'd to God as under great Affliction and Pressure of Mind, surrounded with Danger, and in Expectation every Night of being murther'd and devour'd before Morning; and I must testify from my Experience, that a Temper of Peace, Thankfulness, Love and Affection, is much more the proper Frame for Prayer than that of Terror and Discomposure; and that under the Dread of Mischief impending, a Man is no more fit for a comforting Performance of the Duty of praying to God, than he is for Repentance on a sick Bed: For these Discomposures affect the Mind as the others do the Body; and the Discomposure of the Mind must necessarily be as great a Disability as that of the Body, and much greater, Praying to God being properly an Act Of the Mind, not of the Body.


Man has been aware of nature\'s alien characteristic, has realized the latter\'s threat, the comparison between both\'spowers makes man feel his own negligibi lity,hence man appeals to god in order to surpass his negligibility and achieve a sublime state, so it forms the primitive sublimity.


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Man To Man
One Man Woman, One Woman Man
It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World
It's a Man's, Man's, Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
It's A Man's Man's Man's World

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
