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make over相关的网络例句

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与 make over 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Having failed to make the strategy work at Sears, he carried it over into Dean Witter's merger with Morgan Stanley, reasoning that linking the underwriting of securities with their sale to the public had to have some value.

Purcell在Sears的战略失败以后,他又把这种策略带入了Dean Witter与摩根士坦利的兼并之中,因为它认为将做市商与他面向公众的销售捆绑必定会有一些价值。

A Jiang is not a woodenhead, but still can make a mistake occasionally, calculating a tutorial so is newest the most complete, the problem still may appear when we are operated for the first time, and because be first time, write down the whole process that oneself handle very hard clear, bring about the person that has experience repeatedly possibly finally to come over to also cannot have installed your server completely.


" Prince Vassily looked inquiringly at the princess, but he could not make out whether she was considering what he had said, or was simply staring at him."I pray to God for one thing only continually, mon cousin," she replied,"that He may have mercy upon him, and allow his noble soul to leave this …""Yes, quite so," Prince Vassily continued impatiently, rubbing his bald head and again wrathfully moving the table towards him that he had just moved away,"but in fact … in fact the point is, as you are yourself aware, that last winter the count made a will by which, passing over his direct heirs and us, he bequeathed all his property to Pierre.

" 瓦西里公爵以疑问的眼神望望公爵小姐,但他没法弄明白,她是否在想他对她说的话,还是随便地望着他……"我为一桩事一直都在祷告上帝,mon cousin,"她答道,"祈祷上帝宽恕他,让他高尚的灵魂平安地离开这个……""对,是这样的,"瓦西里公爵心情急躁地继续说下去,一面用手搓着秃头,愤愤地把推开的茶几移到身边来,"可是,到头来,到头来,问题就在于,你自己知道,去冬伯爵写了遗嘱,把他的全部产业留给皮埃尔,我们这些直系继承人都没有份了。

It's the red grape of the heart of Burgundy, and its wine is so seductive, so silky, so perfumed, and so wretchedly difficult to make, that winemakers all over the world see it as some kind of holy grail that they must achieve.


Manners make the man,wrote William of Wykeham over his gates at Winchester and at Oxford.


Manners make the man, wrote William of Wykeham over his gates at Winchester and at Oxford.

威克姆 威廉在他的位于温切斯特和牛津的大门上写道:"举止如其人。"

Manners make the man, wrote Wykeham William over his gates at Winchester and at Oxford.


I felt amused because the lady's appearance was really shocking.Dressed in amini skirt and in boots,wearing over-bright make-up,she looked so outstanding.So did her behavior.Though out of tones,she kept crying and singing at the top of her voice.


The product antislip tray series what we make in many years has already spread all over the country and find a good sale overseas in more than 30 nations and areas such as Europe and America.


The new duration is the limiting factor for slower weapons (e.g. Arcanite Reaper will typically get one less swing), while dual wielding and faster weapons will make better use of all of the charges over the duration of the ability.


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Make Over
Don't Make Me Over
Make Me Over
Don't Make Me Over
Don't Make Me Over
Don't Make Me Come Over There And Love You
Don't Make Me Over
Make Me Over
Make Me Over
Can't Make This Over

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
