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make one相关的网络例句

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与 make one 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Flee-fled-fled flee from +地点 flee away 25.marry sb=get/be married to sb 26.ask sb to marry sb 27.in one's forties 28.have a happy ending have a sad ending 29.feel embarrassed an embarrassing thing 30.get up 31.fall asleep 32.look stressed out 33.have a bad morning 34.first of all 35.get in the shower =go into the bathroom get out of the shower take a quick show 36.get dressed 37.run all the way to school 38.no wonder 39.run back to school 40.get outside 41.get to school 42.leave one's sth at +地点 43.make it 1The train will arrive at 10:15. I think we'll make it. 2We've almost made it . 3Keep on and you'll make it.

be late for school 逃离从某地逃离逃离/逃跑和某人结婚求婚在某人的四十多岁有个美好的结局有个悲伤的结局感觉尴尬一件尴尬的事起床睡着看上去筋疲力尽有个糟糕的早上首先洗澡洗澡洗完澡洗一个快澡穿衣一路跑向学校难怪跑回学校出去到达学校把某人的某物落在某地来的及某事及时赶到/到达目的我们几乎成功了办成功,做成功坚持就会成功上学迟到 4I think we should make it another time。

To sb's notice bring/call to mind bring to a halt bring into action catch one's breath call down / lay a curse upon sb. cast a shadow over catch at shadows catch sb's eye catch fire catch / get a glimpse of catch sight of come to sb's knowledge come to sb's notice come to a point come /go into effect come into a fortune come into fashion come to a halt combination with commander in chief communication with commit a crime commit / make an error come into possession of sth. come / go into operation come to one's senses come to / arrive at a decision come to / arrive at an agreement with reach / make an agreement with come to sb.'s assistance complaint about/of competition with / against sb.

do a threat to do damage to do/try one's best 与----接触不平衡与-----保持友好与----一致对----负责违背诺言实施,使生效给某人带来羞辱使某人注意----想起使停止采取行动喘息诅咒某人蒙上阴影捕风捉影引人注目着火,烧着对----瞥一眼看见被某人知道引起某人的注意到紧要关头实施,生效继承一笔财产开始流行停止与------结合总司令与-----交流,与----通信犯罪犯错误占有某物实行,生效恢复理性,苏醒过来做出决定与-------达成一致与-------达成一致帮助某人对------抱怨与某人竞争对----有威胁损害-----尽力,努力

Evev though/as usual The brightness ought to arouse people to AIDS annotates a medium (draw one's atteniou to) We are three's tall students , we do not ought to indulge in computer game That young reporter makes a resolution to report this matter truly (make up one's mind) I live within one room towards the north , can not find sunlight all day long When the fireman is got to, the house has already been burned down Even if in the once failing,I give up neither Be negligent leading to (the to testing the lead failing) I am able to persuade him to change mind as far as possible (make enery efort/ change one's mind) The children hopes that the soon gets rid of zoo play That you ought to pay attention to English much listen to and say otherwise, you are in communicating with the foreigner is able to have difficulty As long as you study attentively in English, you are therefore likely to learn (putone with English; S mind to) Leave classroom front , be sure to be good with the lock make sure

evev though/as usual)媒体应该引起人们对艾滋病的光注(draw one's atteniou to)我们是高三的学生,我们不应该沉迷于电脑游戏那位年轻记者下决心真实的报道此事(make up one's mind)我住在一间朝北的房间里,终日不见阳光消防队员到达时,房子已经被烧毁了即使在失败一次,我也不放弃粗心大意导致试验失败我会尽力劝说他改变主意(make enery efort / change one's mind)孩子们盼望早日去动物园玩你应该多注意英语听和说,否则,你在与外国人交流是会有困难只要你专心于英语学习,你就能把英语学好(putone;s mind to )离开教室前,一定把们锁好

Vi.上床,分层 apple-pie bed be brought to bed confined to one's bed die in one's bed feather bed flock bed get up on the wrong side of the bed get out of bed on the wrong side go to bed go to bed in one's boots keep one's bed keep to one's bed leave one's bed lie on the bed one has made lie in the bed one has made lie on a bed of thorns make one's make one's bed bed and lie on it make one's own bed make one's own bed and lie on it make the bed make a bed narrow bed narrow cell narrow house narrow home put to bed put to bed with a shovel stretch on the Procrustean bed

发生性关系;付印喝得大醉早睡早起因病躺在床上因病躺在床上病愈起床自作自受自作自受如坐针毡;坐立不安自作自受自作自受自作自受自作自受整理床铺整理床铺坟墓坟墓坟墓坟墓使睡;将扣紧准备印刷;准备编排直至印刷为止埋葬,下葬;扶送回家上床按照同一标准判断;强求一致 24 As you make your bed, so you must lie on it。

Idioms: make one hot under the collar, make one's blood boil, put one's back up.

en-=in,into,on,at,near 从"在中间"之意演变成"使进入某种状态~,使成为~"等,把表示to make之意的名词、形容词变为及物动词变化型 em

Make the best of make a decision make a difference between make a difference to make an exception of make no exception make one's farewell make fashion make a fortune make friends make inquiries of sb. about sth. make preparations against make preparations for make mention of make up one's mind make a point make a promise make a reduction make references to make a response to make satisfaction for make /offer resistance to make sense make talk make way make trouble make use of obstacle to pay regard to pay attention to place an order for sth. with present a striking contrast between put / bring / carry into effect play a joke on sb. play a role in play a trick on sb.

to shame put / place / lay stress on/upon put to use reaction to recovery from resist temptation run / take a risk 向某人道歉充分利用决定区别对待使-----产生变化把-----作为例外不容许有例外告别,道别做做样子发财交朋友向----某人询问某事为防止-----做准备为-----做准备提及,谈到下决心立论,证明论点许诺减少提到对----做出答复补偿抵御,抵抗讲得通,言之有理聊天,闲谈让路,腾出地方找麻烦,闹事利用是----的障碍重视注意向------订购某物使两者形成明显的对比实行,使起作用开某人的玩笑在-----中扮演角色,起作用作弄某人扮演----的角色实施,实行羞辱某人把重点放在---使用对-----的反应从-----中恢复抵制诱惑冒险知识改变命运,思路决定人生!

Operationally, it's never been flatter than printer, no mater how flat I brush, and it's never been more photographic than photography, no matter how hard I draw. As a result, I tend to emphasize the hand-drawing characteristic and the contrived distinctness. Technology brings us convenience and rapidity, but my work shows some reaction against it. So far, the Technology could make one touch to complete all the things, and maybe in the future it could have made everything unlabored by just thinking. However, Technological operation makes physical perceptions getting degenerated, and the crisis of primordially physical degeneration is the fierce dilemma for me.

在身体的操作下意识到平涂即使再平最终也不会大於电脑影像输出,而在物体描绘的写实感也不会大於照片的真实感,所以转而强调手绘的真实性和人为刻意操弄下的距离,对於科技带来的便利性和快速性,在我的创作中某一程度显现了对科技的反动,但是科技的操作渐渐的让身体的感知退化,目前科技可以做到 one touch 就能办到生活的一切事情,而在以后甚至只需要动脑感应就可以达到很多劳动所不及的事情,如此身体的原始性逐步降低所带来的危机感正是我自身所处的一个拉扯状态,强调身体所操作出来的痕迹。

If------ By Joseph Rudyard Kipling If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; I f you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or, being hated, don't give away to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise; If you can dream---and not make dreams your master; If you can think--- and not make thoughts your aim; I f you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two imposters just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools; If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and toss And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss; I f you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will, which says to them: hold on!


One Wild Night It's a hot night, the natives are restless We're sweating by the light of the moon There's a voodoo mojo brewing at the go-go That could knock a witch off her broom We slither on in and shed our skin Make our way into the bump and the grind So I'm passing by, she gives me the eye So I stop to give her a light Chorus: One wild night One wild night (24 hours of midnight) One wild night (I stepped into the twilight zone And she left my heart with vertigo) One wild, one wild, one wild, one wild night Havin' as much fun as you can in your clothes Margarita had me feelin' alright It just might be that I found religion I've been on my knees for half of the night Then I'm rolling the bones with Jimmy 'no dice' Gonna take him for a couple weeks' pay Man, if you lose this roll I take your girlfriend home So I stopped But you're not gonna believe who comes walking out Chorus: One wild night One wild night (24 hours of midnight) One wild night (I stepped into the twilight zone And she left my heart with vertigo) One wild night (hey, c'est la vie) One wild night One wild night (life is for the living so You gotta live it up, come on let's go) One wild, one wild, one wild, one wild night Guitar solo Chorus: One wild night One wild night (24 hours of midnight) One wild night (I stepped into the twilight zone And she left my heart with vertigo) One wild night (hey, c'est la vie) One wild night One wild night (life if for the living so You gotta live it up, come on let's go) One wild, one wild, one wild, one.. One wild night One wild night (24 hours of midnight) One wild night (I stepped into the twilight zone) For one wild night One wild night (hey,c'est la vie) One wild night One wild night All we've got is one wild night One wild night (4x) One wild night blinded by the moonlight One wild night 24 hours of midnight One wild night stepped into the twilight zone for One wild, one wild, one wild, one wild night.

一狂放的夜它是热的夜,当地人是不安定的由那里月亮的光冒汗是巫毒教mojo酿造在可能敲巫婆她的笤帚的去去的我们我们滑行并且流洒我们的皮肤做我们的方式成爆沸和研磨,因此我通过,她给我眼睛,因此我停下来给她轻的合唱:一狂放的夜一狂放的夜(24个小时午夜)一狂放的夜(我跨步入暮色区域和她左我的心脏以眩晕)一狂放,一狂放,一狂放,一狂放的夜 Havin同样多乐趣,象您在您的衣裳玛格丽塔酒能有我feelin它也许行是我发现了我是在我的膝盖为夜的一半的宗教我然后滚动骨头与吉米'没有模子' 去采取他为几星期的薪水人,如果您丢失我采取您的女朋友家的这卷,因此我停止了,但您不相信谁来走出去 Chorus: One wild night One wild night (24 hours of midnight) One wild night (I stepped into the twilight zone And she left my heart with vertigo) One wild night (hey, c'est la vie) One wild night One wild night (life is for the living so You gotta live it up, come on let's go) One wild, one wild, one wild, one wild night Guitar solo Chorus:一狂放的夜一狂放的夜(24个小时午夜)一狂放的夜(我跨步入暮色区域和她左我的心脏以眩晕)一狂放的夜(嘿, c'est la竞争)一狂放的夜一狂放的夜(生活,如果为生活,因此您得到居住它,进展我们是)一狂放,一个狂放,一个狂放,一个一狂放的夜一狂放的夜(24个小时午夜)一狂放的夜为一狂放夜一个狂放的夜(嘿, c'est la竞争)一狂放的夜一狂放的夜我们有的全部是一狂放的夜一狂放的夜(4x)一狂放的夜由月光蒙蔽了一狂放的夜24个小时午夜狂放的夜跨步入暮色区域为一狂放的一,一狂放,一狂放,一狂放的夜。

At that time, an accommodating girl who often comes to our shop was come here, and she took one fastfood for her friend, she even wants to ask ice alishan milk and when she saw the situation, she came to my side and helps me with out hesitate although so many different milk teas that she don't know how to make at all.by the chance, another girl came to our shop and asked a cup of brandy milk tea and a cup of chocolate milk tea, the girl who helps me didn't know how to make the two different milk tea, but I told her I can teach her by her side, so she decided to make chocolate, unfortunately, the chocloate just left a little and couldn't make one, so she asked me where is the chocolate, I told her in the cupboard, but after looking for a while, she didn't find it.


第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Make You The Only One
(You're The Only One) Can Make Me Cry
You Are The One To Make Me Cry
One Chain (Don't Make No Prison)
One Chain Don't Make No Prison
It Only Takes One Bar (To Make A Prison)
One And One Make Five
Make This One Last
One Chance (Make It Good)

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
