英语人>网络例句>make nothing of 相关的网络例句
make nothing of相关的网络例句

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与 make nothing of 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So packing oneself in his single world can help nothing to add his reputation, what he strives to do is the reverse-anatomize oneself in front of the public stares and acclaim for his names being praised or criticized in the SUN -then can he make himself known out of the nonplus of being forgotten and lose his prestige in public.

这里我们已经知道作这篇文章要从"公众人物"自身出发,以他们的角度来看待自己隐私是否该暴光的问题,这样我们就找到中心回应点是"should expect",对象是"public figures",而例证可以充分利用话题的友好提示:列举的三种人,选择熟悉易于表达的来充实论证,免了自己的劳神工夫,这种资源一定要善加利用,一方面可充实论据,另一方面,作到了兼顾其他,全面回应的原则。

So packing oneself in his single world can help nothing to add his reputation, what he strives to do is the reverse-anatomize oneself in front of the public stares and acclaim for his names being praised or criticized in the sun-then can he make himself known out of the nonplus of being forgotten and lose his prestige in public.


This Observation convinc'd me, That I had nothing to do but to observe the Ebbing and the Flowing of the Tide, and I might very easily bring my Boat about the Island again: But when I began to think of putting it in Practice, I had such a Terror upon my Spirits at the Remembrance of the Danger I had been in, that I could not think of it again with any Patience; but on the contrary, I took up another Resolution which was more safe, though more laborious; and this was, That I would build, or rather make me another Periagua or Canoe; and so have one for one Side of the Island, and one for the other.


This observation convinced me that I had nothing to do but to observe the ebbing and the flowing of the tide, and I might very easily bring my boat about the island again; but when I began to think of putting it in practice, I had such a terror upon my spirits at the remembrance of the danger I had been in, that I could not think of it again with any patience; but on the contrary, I took up another resolution which was more safe, though more laborious; and this was, that I would build, or rather make me another periagua or canoe; and so have one for one side of the island, and one for the other.


However, though my little Periagua was finish'd; yet the Size of it was not at all answerable to the Design which I had in View, when I made the first; I mean, Of venturing over to the Terra Firma, where it was above forty Miles broad; accordingly, the Smallness of my Boat assisted to put an End to that Design, and now I thought no more of it: But as I had a Boat, my next Design was to make a Tour round the Island; for as I had been on the other Side, in one Place, crossing as I have already describ'd it, over the Land; so the Discoveries I made in that little Journey, made me very eager to see other Parts of the Coast; and now I had a Boat, I thought of nothing but sailing round the Island.


We also showcased German-Chinese ICT Forum at CeBIT, I made two presentations, one for our company, and the other for Chinese Software Industry Association, since the President and the Sectary General could not make it due it their tight schedule My colleagues and me went to Hannover City Hall to attend Grand Opening Ceremony of CeBIT 06, I was expecting a great dinner there as we got at CEATEC 05 and DATE 05 among other trade show, actually nothing, instead what impressed me a lot was the opening speech delivered by German Chancellor, she said that, the globalization should be an opportunity instead of challenge for Germany, as as well Europe, instead of challenges.


Dis- Fly away lonely souls into the endless sky so far away When you're all alone Feeling down and lonely Tell me what you see deep inside your soul You only know who you are So don't be afraid Just open your heart to me You will spread your wings like an eagle Learning how to fly in the sky Just like the sun rises after the rain you'll shine in the air Take off your mask and be true to your heart trust yourself and fly away Into the light of joy and truth Where there's a grief there will always be a hope For a place where we can be who we wanna be Your tears may fade away But always keep the faith and live tomorrow Break through the night away into a brand new day Life's just begun Yeah, feelin' the melody of eternity It has the power to set us free Travlin' through the galaxy with only space around Follow the suns peaceful sound It's time for us to end this illusion Fightin' ourselves will only cause confusion Shinin' light is the key of life Let's all get together and make this better I don't know how but there has got to be a way There are times when I Wish I could just disapear Far from this place of pain and hurt If only I could be gone There's something in your eyes Pulls me back from running away Oh, yes it's hard sometimes But now I'm strong enough to tell the sadness goodbye Just like the moon fills the night with the stars I'll dance in the air Seek in the darkness there's nothing to fear I will stand and fly away Into the night I'll find the truth The pain never ends but there's always be a hope To be free eternally in this galaxy To live another day the sun will show the way and I will follow Break through the night away into a brand new day My journey goes on Into the light of joy and truth Where there's a grief there will always be a hope For a place where we can be who we want to be Your tears may fade away But always keep the faith and live tomorrow Break through the night away into a brand new day Your journey's begun

阴间的神-飞孤单的灵魂进入在如此远处的永无止境的天空之远之内当你全部很孤独的时候感觉下来和孤单的告诉我你在你的灵魂里见到起来深的你只知道你是谁如此不害怕仅仅对我开放你的心你将会像一只鹰一样传布你的翅膀学问该如何在天空中飞仅仅在雨之后喜欢太阳上升你将会在空气中发亮脱掉你的假面具而且忠于你的心信赖你自己和飞行之远进入欢喜和事实的光之内哪里总是有伤心事在那里意志是一个希望对于我们能是的一个地方我们想要当谁你的泪滴可能褪色离开但是总是保存信心和活的明天进入商标新的日子之内夜晚之久突破仅仅被开始的生活是的,feelin'永恒的曲子资讯科技有力量释放我们 Travlin'经过银河由于只在附近隔开跟随太阳和平的声音资讯科技是我们结束这一个幻影的时候 Fightin'我们自己只将会引起混乱 Shinin'光是生活的钥匙全部让我们聚在一起而且使这变成更好我不知道如何除了那里之外已经开始是一个方法有时代此时我希望我可以正直的 disapear 离痛苦和伤害的这一个地方很远如果只有我可能不见了某事在你的眼睛中从逃走把我拉回来哦,是的资讯科技努力地有时是但是现在我够强壮来告诉悲哀再见仅仅喜欢,月亮将夜晚装满星我将在空气中跳舞黑暗的找寻没有东西害怕,我将会站而且飞离开进入夜晚之内我将找事实痛苦从不结束但是总是有是一个希望在这银河中是自由地永恒地在另外的一个日子居住太阳将会表示方式而且我将会跟随进入商标新的日子之内夜晚之久突破我的旅程继续进入欢喜和事实的光之内哪里总是有伤心事在那里意志是一个希望对于我们能是的一个地方我们想要当谁你的泪滴可能褪色离开但是总是保存信心和活的明天进入商标新的日子之内夜晚之久突破你的被开始的旅程

Again,he stands there quietly,saying nothing.that's around 5.40am AD 451,in Catalaunian Plain,time freezes at that moment.the sun and the fading moon and stars which has been unchaged for millions and millions of years and will still be unchanged for millions and millions of years and the softened eye lights of hundreds of thousands of brave Roman soldiers are the testimony forever.long time's silence,and general puts on his visor at last and again mounts his horse,he makes a gesture to order his troops to make a circuit,King Theodoric catches up with him,all those soldiers follow closely behind them


The distressing explanation she had to make to harriet, and all that poor harriet would be suffering, with the awkwardness of future meetings, the difficulties of continuing or discontinuing the acquaintance, of subduing feelings, concealing resentment, and avoiding eclat, were enough to occupy her in most unmirthful reflections some time longer, and she went to bed at last with nothing settled but the conviction of her having blundered most dreadfully.


He should then feel free to make his views known to the absentee owners. Directors seldom do that, of course. The temperament of 23 www.buffettism.com 巴菲特研究中心 Research Centre for Buffettism many directors would in fact be incompatible with critical behavior of that sort. But I see nothing improper in such actions, assuming the issues are serious. Naturally, the complaining director can expect a vigorous rebuttal from the unpersuaded directors, a prospect that should discourage the dissenter from pursuing trivial or non-rational causes.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
