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main trend相关的网络例句

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与 main trend 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This program is the trend of the admittance matrix of the calculation procedure is part of the trend calculation.


Futures market is a product of the market economy develops to a certain stage. It is also one of the most powerful tools serving the spot trading in finance market. Corn futures market's unique functions of price trend discovery and hedge enable the corn farmers and relevant enterprises to know in advance the long-term price trend, and formulate the correct business strategy according to their own situation, and lock the risk and profit ahead of time.


The spatial-temporal distribution of NPP along NECT and its response to climatic change were also analyzed. Results showed that the change tendency of NPP spatial distribution in NECT is quite similar to that of precipitation and their spatial correlation coefficient is up to 0.84 (P.01). The inter-annual variation of NPP in NECT is mainly affected by the change of the aestival NPP every year, which accounts for 67.6% of the inter-annual increase in NPP and their spatial correlation coefficient is 0.95 (P.01). The NPP in NECT is mainly cumulated between May and September, which accounts for 89.8% of the annual NPP. The NPP in summer accounts for 65.9% of the annual NPP and is the lowest in winter. Recent climate changes have enhanced plant growth in NECT. The mean NPP increased 14.3% from 1980s to 1990s. The inter-annual linear trend of NPP is 4.6 gCm^(-2)a^(-1), and the relative trend is 1.17%, which owns mainly to the increasing temperature.

结果表明:(1)NECT样带植被NPP的空间变化趋势同降水量的空间变化十分相似,由东到西逐渐降低,二者在空间上的相关性达到了0.84 (P.01),说明NECT样带的植被NPP在空间分布上主要受水分趋动:(2)NECT样带植被NPP的年际变化主要是由各年份夏季NPP的变化造成的,夏季对NECT样带植被NPP的年际增长贡献率最大(67.6%),二者之间的相关性达到了0.95 (P.01);(3)NECT样带的植被NPP积累期主要发生在5-9月份,这5个月的NPP占了全年NPP总量的89.8%,整个夏季(6-8月份)的NPP占了全年的65.9%,冬季(12-2月份)的NPP最低,基本为0;(4)近19年来的气候变化促进了NECT样带的植被生长,从1980年代到1990年代,NPP显著增加,年代际相对增长率为14.3%,平均年际绝对增长趋势为4.6 gCm^(-2)a^(-1),相对增长趋势为1.17%,这主要是由温度升高引起的。

The spatial-temporal distribution of NPP along NECT and its response to climatic change were also analyzed. Results showed that the change tendency of NPP spatial distribution in NECT is quite similar to that of precipitation and their spatial correlation coefficient is up to 0.84 (P 0.01). The inter-annual variation of NPP in NECT is mainly affected by the change of the aestival NPP every year, which accounts for 67.6% of the inter-annual increase in NPP and their spatial correlation coefficient is 0.95 (P 0.01). The NPP in NECT is mainly cumulated between May and September, which accounts for 89.8% of the annual NPP. The NPP in summer accounts for 65.9% of the annual NPP and is the lowest in winter. Recent climate changes have enhanced plant growth in NECT. The mean NPP increased 14.3% from 1980s to 1990s. The inter-annual linear trend of NPP is 4.6 gC·m-2·a-1, and the relative trend is 1.17%, which owns mainly to the increasing temperature.

结果表明:(1)NECT样带植被NPP的空间变化趋势同降水量的空间变化十分相似,由东到西逐渐降低,二者在空间上的相关性达到了0.84(P《0.01),说明NECT样带的植被NPP在空间分布上主要受水分趋动;(2)NECT样带植被NPP的年际变化主要是由各年份夏季NPP的变化造成的,夏季对NECT样带植被NPP的年际增长贡献率最大(67.6%),二者之间的相关性达到了0.95(P《0.01);(3)NECT样带的植被NPP积累期主要发生在5-9月份,这5个月的NPP占了全年NPP总量的89.8%,整个夏季(6-8月份)的NPP占了全年的65.9%,冬季(12-2月份)的NPP最低,基本为0;(4)近19年来的气候变化促进了NECT样带的植被生长,从1980年代到1990年代,NPP显著增加,年代际相对增长率为14.3%,平均年际绝对增长趋势为4.6 gCm-2(a-1,相对增长趋势为1.17%,这主要是由温度升高引起的。

Part i tries to track to the history of education trend of thought of anarchism in china . it includes 4 phases : introduction ( the end of 19 century - 1902 ), development ( 1902 ~ 1911 ), bloom ( 1912 ~ 1921 ), eclipse ( 1921 - 1927 ). part n analyses education ideas of the faction of china anarchism . lt includes tian yi faction , new century faction , min sheng faction , the faction of anarchical communism . part hi puts forward my evalution form there different angles . generally speaking , it had special significance in special time . even though it had many flaws , it is important for us to value education trend of thought of china anarchism

主要包括四个方面:无政府主义的产生与传入( 19世纪下半叶1902年);无政府主义教育思潮的形成( 1902年1911年);无政府主义教育思潮的全盛( 1912年1921年);无政府主义教育思j兑回在a硕士字位论父wmaster ' sthesis潮的衰落92年1927年l通过对其历史的回眸,可以清晰地了解无政府主义教育思潮在中国各个时期的特点及发生变化的原因,揭示它的流变轨迹及其对中国教育思想影响的深度和广度,从而使国人充分地认识和了解无政府主义教育思潮在特定的历史时期所发挥的特殊的历史作用。

At the same time, utilize configuration controlling part and lens to control in real time, show the pressure real-time trend of mandril mold stripping , window autoalarm, write down historical value to show historical trend curve in helping technical worker analyse parameter to guide manufacture.


At the sametime, utilize configuration controlling part and lens to control in real time, show the pressure real-time trend of mandril mold stripping , window autoalarm, write down historical value to show historical trend curve in helping technical worker analyse parameter to guide manufacture.


In addition this paper,"Bio-Rad method," two parasitic wasps of the post-embryonic development the process of protein accumulation in young bees and the host Plutella xylostella in this process in vivo haemolymph protein content were measured and found that over time, was gifuensis parasitic larvae of the diamondback moth haemolymph protein content showed an upward trend in nearly a straight line, Ichneumonidae parasitic For example, in the early parasitic diamondback moth haemolymph protein content also showed the trend of slow growth, but in the mid-and late parasitic young bee about to be completed in the development of the host body when to stop feeding, a significant downward trend却呈, and significantly lower than the third day of its own protein content; on the same day of the different species of the diamondback moth parasitic wasp hemolymph protein content compared Ichneumonidae Parasitism of diamondback moth have hemolymph protein content than in the third and fourth day after the parasitic Braconidae hemolymph content to be high, but very different in the case of the fifth day, as evidenced by her side after the parasitic bee moth haemolymph protein content is cocoon of the parasitic bee hemolymph protein content of 0.7 times.


Maybe structure of linear trend is generated in the way different from structures of time series after removing the trend, and bimodal distribution is the result of their interaction.


The comonomer in the copolymer by cat247 is trend to isolated. A few amount of comonomer could make the melting point remarkably decreased and maintain the crystalline at a relative high level. This catalyst can be use to produce the material with low melting point and high intensity such as packing film with low hotsealing temperature. The copolymer by cat24 is characteristic of uniform comonomer distribution and low melting temperature and crystallinity. Therefore, this catalyst could be used to produce LLDPE and POE according the comonomer content; cat246 has a strong copolymerization ability, and the resultant polymer has relatively high blockiness. If this trend is strengthened by adjustment of polymerization condition, the polymer can be used as thermal plastic elastomer with random and crystalline blocks.


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Main Bitches
Main Girl
Feel It
Aaja We Mahiya
Main Thing
Main Sharabi
The Main One
Main Attraction
Main Rang Sharbaton Ka
Fake Is The New Trend

" I' d like to get some rough idea about music in the baroque ear, please."


The results showed that the peak latency and pattern of SEPs elicited by electrical needling in LI-l1 and MP were similar. The amplitude of SEPs elicited by electrical needling in LI-l1 was higher than that of MP. There was no obvious SEPs generation when MM was electrical needling.


Mom and Dad better bone up on these not so ordinary competitions like polo, yachting and synchronized swimming!
