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与 ly 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

George O'malley bare ly made the cut to get in this program.

George O'malley只在自己的课程中作过切除训练。

Any party concerned di atisfied with the decision of the Trademark Office to cancel a registered trademark may, within fifteen days from receipt of the corre onding notice, a ly for a review with the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board, which shall make a decision and notify the a licant in writing.


According to the forward and inverse results of synthesi zed seismic records, our Q filtrating operator of the depth domain is consis tent with the seismic laws in the absorbing media, which not only considers the effe ct of the media absorbing of the waves, but also fits the deformation laws, name ly the frequency dispersion of the body wave.


As a primary disease, porc in e paratyphoid only occurs in pigs under 6 months of age and ma in ly in piglets around the time of wean in g.


The very image of that made him feel rather paternal and husb and ly at the same time.


My duty is to keep close to her steps, to surround her existence with mine, to serve her as a barrier against all dangers; to offer her my head as a stepping stone, to place myself unceasing ly between her and all sorrows, without claiming reward, without expecting recom pense.


It is wide-ly used in clinical treatment,food,and cosmetic industry for its important physiologic function.


He seldom talked of anyting but the experssion of the necessary mode of working of the human mind ; it is simp ly the mode by all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact ex planation.


In the normal rats (n=5、6), CGRP-LI were mainly present in small and some medium-sized neurons and the primary afferent fibers and ter- minals in laminae Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅴ,Ⅹ and Lissauer's tract of the spinal cord; GAL- and SP-LI were mainly present in small neurons and the superficial layers of the dorsal horn. After the adjuvant injection both CGRP-and SP-LI were in- creased corresponding to the development of arthritis. On day 2, CGRP-and SP-LI were moderately increased in laminae Ⅰ,Ⅱ and the posterior commis- sure of the spinal cord and small neurons in DRG, while SP was obviously in- creased in the superficial layers and DRG. On day 14, CGRP-LI were marked- ly enhanced in the above regions with the development of polyarthritis. Some- times many strongly stained long fibers could be seen in the posteriot commis- sure.


This text aim is in the design a ly the low price of, in keeping withly China small scaled business enterprise need of no man porterage car system.


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Little Bird
I'm Really Hot
I'm Singin'
Holy, Holy
Million Pound Girl (Badder Than Bad)
Eat Sleep
Marley Purt Drive
Sing Of Your Great Love
To Catch A Predator

The "Missa" is almost always a Bidding Prayer addressed to the people, while the "Alia Oratio" is nearly always addressed to God, but sometimes both are Bidding Prayers and sometimes both are prayers to God.

在"弥撒"是几乎总是招标祈祷给人民,而"阿利雅Oratio "几乎总是给上帝,但有时都招标祈祷,有时都向上帝祈祷。

The Kimera, who had been studying the Atavus, didn't want to see them die out due to the changes in their sun.


In addition, We have got a lot of pictures about the development of the spore and sporoderm.
