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与 luke 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Luke Marks looked musingly at the earnest face of his visitor, and some shadowy expression which was almost like a smile flitted feebly across the sick man's haggard features.


Luke Shapiro: No. Naw. I just haven't officially had yet.


Luke Shapiro: No. Naw. I just haven't officially had sex yet.


Luke aggravates the problem by including in his payment an old Paraguayan coin that he keeps for the purpose and which is invariably returned to him.


Luke supposedly met this alleged "delay of the parousia" by reworking Jesus' teachings which the church is to continue.


Most of the details of his apocalyptic description of the Parousia are given in other apocalypses 1 John 2:18; Matthew 24:24; Luke 21:8; Mark 13:22; Deuteronomy 13:1-5; Ezekiel 38 and 39; Daniel 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 etc.

大部分的细节他世界末日说明再来给出其他启示(约翰一书2点18 ;马修24:24 ;路加福音21点08 ;马克13时22分;申命记13:1-5 ;厄泽克尔38和39 ;丹尼尔7, 8 , 9 , 11 , 12等)。

These words are Jesus' caption for a worldwide, unprecedented time of trouble that will usher in the parousia, Jesus' return to earth in great glory (see parallels Mark 13:19,"tribulation," and Luke 21:23,"great distress"; also Rev. 3:10,"hour of trial").

这些话是耶稣的字幕为世界性的,前所未有的时候有麻烦,将迎来中圆满,为耶稣返回地球,在大荣耀(见平行马克13时19分,"磨难",路加福音14:28 ,"莫大的困扰;";也牧师下午3点10分,"一小时的审判")。

While the teaching of the Catholic Church that Mary was a virgin is not accepted by a number of liberal Christian scholars who argue that the Greek term parthenos in Luke 1:27 does not necessarily have to mean "virgin " but that there is also evidence for it signifying any "young woman", it is generally agreed that Mary was very young when she conceived Jesus.


St. Luke says (Acts 13) that when St. Paul visited Cyprus Sergius Paulus was proconsul there.


These young Pentecostal scholars showed that Luke is not only a historian but also a theologian.


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The Meditation (Luke 15)
Luke's Wall / War Pigs
Girlfriend (Dr. Luke Remix)
Luke Skywalker (Bullshittin)
Left Hand Luke
This is to Luke From the Posse

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
