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与 luke 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Magnificat is taken directly from the Bible, from the Gospel of Luke: it is the prayer of Mary expressing her joy in the knowledge that she will bear the son of God.


Immediately on entering the house she was saluted by Elizabeth as the mother of her Lord, and then forthwith gave utterance to her hymn of thanksgiving (Luke 1:46-56; comp. 1 Samuel 2:1-10) commonly known as the 'Magnificat

她很快地被以利沙白作为神的母亲而致敬并且进入房子,然后毫不犹豫地给予她感恩的赞美诗(路加福音 1:46—56;可以与撒母尔一书2:1—10比较),普遍地被认为是"圣母玛利亚颂"。

All the early Fathers, all the Greek manuscripts, all the versions, all the Latin manuscripts have the reading in Luke, i, 46: Kai eipen Mariam--Et ait Maria : Magnificat anima mea Dominum, etc.

所有早期的父亲,所有希腊手稿,所有的版本,所有拉丁美洲的手稿有在读的卢克,我, 46 :启eipen马里安-美国在台协会等玛丽亚: m agnificat阿尼玛多边环境协定d ominum等3岁的拉丁美洲手稿(最早可以追溯到去年底的第四次。

Was Luke Orlando from Manville, Texas. He cannot vote since he is only


Among the youthful members of the audience at the Hard Rock Cafe gathering was Luke Orlando from Manville, Texas.


Worked as marketing assistant in LUKE ELECTRICAL LIMITID COMPANY for one year.


Some popular ones are: Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.


Luke Medlin, who was sweeping the alley for booby traps as Marine Gunner John Daly covered him from behind when the Taliban struck.


Luke 13:35. They might have been acquainted with the evidence of His Messiahship, and the calamity that laid their proud city in ruins might have been averted.

路13:35 他们本来可以熟悉那证明他是弥赛亚的凭据;那毁灭他们雄伟之城的惨祸本来也是完全能避免的。

But these temptations were designed either to force Jesus to prove his messiahship in terms of the preconceptions of his enemies or to compel him to show himself incapable of being a true rabbi (Luke 10:25) or to cause him to make self-incriminating statements Mark 12:15; cf.

但是,这些诱惑的目的不是武力来证明自己的耶稣messiahship方面的成见,他的敌人,或迫使他表明自己无法成为真正的拉比(路加福音10:25 ),或使他作出自我的陈述(马克12:15 ;比照。路加福音23点02分)。

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The Meditation (Luke 15)
Luke's Wall / War Pigs
Girlfriend (Dr. Luke Remix)
Luke Skywalker (Bullshittin)
Left Hand Luke
This is to Luke From the Posse

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
