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与 lotus 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The worship of Avalokiteshvara spread in Korea due to the popularity and importance of two Buddhist scriptures (the Lotus Sutra and the Flower Garland Sutra ), which set out in detail Avalokiteshvara's compassionate nature.


We have a good account of it in a poem by Emperor Yuan of the Liang dynasty called Lotus Gatherers


We have a good account of it in a poem by Emperor Yuan of the Liang dynasty called Lotus Gatherers


We have a good account of it in a poem by Emperor Yuan of the Liang dynasty called Lotus Gatherers


We have agood account of it in apoem by Emperor Yuan of the Liang dynasty called Lotus Gatherers


Glass Guanyin: Take a piece of lotus leaf, holding hands Glass pot, light the water.


Was isolated from the diseased leaf of Cynodon hybrid in Red Lotus Lake golf courses in E-zhou. Pathogenicity was tested by inoculating the leaf with mycelium plug of Curvularia sp., the result indicated that Curvularia sp. isolate was the pathogen.

研究结果如下:从鄂州红莲湖高尔夫球场的狗牙根发病植株叶片上分离菌株Curvularia sp。,用菌丝块接种狗牙根叶片进行致病性测定,证实Curvularia sp。

Need at design diagram paper top elucidation of have and design the lotus carry standard, size unit, foundation loading dint of request, the stone anticipate mark number and sand syrup mark number, concrete mark number and reinforcing bar grade and other necessity of elucidation


Results indicated that pesticides show different variability in certain extent in relative response between different matrixes. Certain pesticides are matrix-dependent such as chlorothalonil, paraoxon, deltamethrin, methamidophos, acephate etc, among them, chlorothalonil have better relative response in acidic matrixes (as orange, tomato, grape, kiwi fruit) but have serious suppression in scallion, onion, garlic, leek, lotus root etc.


The lotus offers its beauty to the heaven, the grass its service to the earth.


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Lotus Intro
Lotus Flower
Wasp In The Lotus
Under The Lotus
With The Lotus
Lotus Flower Bomb

For a big chunk of credit-card losses; the number of filings (and thus charge-off rates) would be rising again, whether


Eph. 4:23 And that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind

弗四23 而在你们心思的灵里得以更新

Lao Qiu is the Chairman of China Qiuyang Translation Group and the head master of the Confucius School. He has committed himself to the research and promotion of the classics of China.
