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loss ratio相关的网络例句

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与 loss ratio 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At a certain doping concentration and output loss, there is an optimum crystal length and an optimum ratio of pump and laser beam radii.


The nozzle of the gasifier is simplified. The cold-flow field in the gasifier chamber is studied. The research shows that the chamber has recirculation along the whole length. The particles in the chamber perform a very good flowing characteristics even for the large particles of dp=150μm, and no abrupt change is observed. This is due to the operational pressure is high and the density of the gas is large there. The maximal reflux velocity of both phases, the reflux intensity, the concentrational distribution of particles, and the static pressure loss in the chamber are all related to following factors: the load of gasifier, the concentration of coal-water slurry, the diameter of the coal particle, the distribution ratio of oxygen in the two channels of the nozzle, and the angle of jet in nozzle.


On the basis of figure of present land use from the year 1987 to 2003 and relief map with a ratio of one to ten thousand of a small drainage area of Luju district in Jiangchuan county,with the support of MapGis6.6 workstation,kinds of data including properties data and graph data were analyzed,a spatial information base was created,then correlative data on present land use and soll and water loss were extracted; kinds of databases were created finally.


Insurance Operations 保险事业营运 Shown below is an updated version of our usual table presenting key figures for the insurance industry:下表是我们惯用保险业主要指数的最近更新数字 Yearly Change in Combined Ratio Yearly Change in GNP Deflators Premiums Written Incurred Loss 1981 3.8% 106.0% 6.5% 9.7% 1982 4.4% 109.8% 8.4% 6.4% 1983 4.6% 112.0% 6.8% 3.9% 1984 9.2% 117.9% 16.9% 3.8% 1985 22.1% 116.5% 16.1% 3.3% 1986Rev.


Through the flue gas and air characteristic analysis in supercharged boiler,the results showed that the value of parameters would increase with the increase of fuel consumption.And volume heat load of the furnace, fuel consumption, heat change between flue gas and convective heating surface and evaporation value would increase with the increase of compression ratio.The heat calculation would be different because of dissimilar thermal calculation in the turbo-compressor when the boiler load was changed.As the boiler load increased,heat loss in the turbo-compressor would increase and the efficiency of the boiler would decrease.The results of the boiler start-up simulation showed that the time of start-up would decrease with the increase of flue consumption ,but instantaneous pressure amplitude would increase.Steam water"s dymamic diversification would be more complex than flue gas"s,and dynamic characters of their parameters would be changed due to different boiler load and disturbance variable,which was shown by results of the simulation when boiler load was changed.


The radio frequency performance curves of relay were obtained through simulation, and analysis of the equivalent circuit and the main factors which influence the insertion loss, voltage stand wave ratio and isolation of relay were discussed.

对其进行仿真分析得到继电器射频(radio frequency,RF)性能曲线,并讨论了影响继电器插入损耗、电压驻波比及隔离度的主要因素。

As to the pumps with middle and low aspect ratio which are extensively used, the disk friction losses dissipate large proportion of the craft power. Reducing this kind of loss will improve the efficiency effectively.


For example, insurance covering losses to crops from hail damage produces virtually no float at all. Premiums on this kind of business are paid to the insurer just prior to the time hailstorms are a threat, and if a farmer sustains a loss he will be paid almost immediately. Thus, a combined ratio of 100 for crop hail insurance produces no profit for the insurer.

当然 7%到 11%的范围还是有许多例外情况,例如保险业者承保谷物冰雹伤害损失几乎没有浮存金的贡献,保险业者通常是在冰雹即将来临之前才收到保费收入,而只要其中有任何一位农夫发生损失就要马上支付赔偿金,因此即使谷物冰雹保险的综合比率为 100,保险业者也赚不了半毛钱。

For example, insurance covering losses to crops from hail damage produces virtually no float at all. Premiums on this kind of business are paid to the insurer just prior to the time hailstorms are a threat, and if a farmer sustains a loss he will be paid almost immediately. Thus, a combined ratio of 100 for crop hail insurance produces no profit for the insurer.


The interfacial polarization resistances were unvaried during this period,suggested that the SDC modified anode was stable for the direct utilization of octane,and slight degeneration in the performance was associated mainly with the loss of OCV,which was possibly derived from a little carbon deposition within the SDC-coated anode where the level is so low that it almost has no effect to cause severe damage to the anode. The fuel composition and operation conditions had remarkably influence on the cell durability,implied that the stability of the fuel cells could be further improved by varying the iso-octane/O2 ratio and conducting a continuous operation.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
