英语人>网络例句>lose out to 相关的网络例句
lose out to相关的网络例句

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与 lose out to 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The time not to blab is if you have the chance to hook up with a girl and you know she'll lose interest if she finds out.


First, in this essay, the author states the reasonableness and necessity of permitting transfer of mortgaged property, affirms that mortgager will not lose the right of dispose and is entitle to transfer the property freely when the property is under mortgage. And at the same time, the author agrees the theoretical basis of droit de suite and the mortgagee's interests can be protected through the enforcement of the recovery right. Second, the author introduces the legislation of droit de suite in several countries with typical civil law legal system and analyses the particular characteristics of these different registrations. Third, the author points out the defects and malpractice of the legislations in our country after analyzing the legislation which state ambiguously the recovery right of mortgage and restricts the transfer of mortgaged property based on the tracing the development of system in respect of transfer of mortgaged property in Chinese legislation on guarantee. Finally, according to the real situation of our country, the author presents some concrete proposals on perfecting the system of transfer of mortgaged property and droit de suite of mortgage to reach the balance between static safety of property rights and dynamical safety of transactions with the reference to successful expericnees of other countries.


The one thing which we seek with insatiable desire is to forget ourselves, to be surprised out of our propriety, to lose our sempiternal memory and to do something without knowing how or why...

忘我,丢掉纠缠的回忆,不问how and why。。。甚至不知道自己该走向何方,没有比这更高的境界了。这也就是为什么梦境和迷醉对人来说是如此危险的诱惑。

Yang's poem :"We are looking forward to snow in the snowless day ,My heart often lose blood for waiting, My eyes often turns blind waiting for snow ";"Facing to the black hole and dark night ,I may choke up with emotions but I feel like having anemia after that ";"It is the last step to success but you failed to take the valuable step ; you sing all over the world but suddenly, you find out the singing is enjailed in the monastery".


In the tune "the old city" represents Beijing, the music take the Peking opera as the source material, will divide the slow movement and the musical beat two parts, the slow movement sub-system will be persuasive the exquisite Peking opera melody to further process, causes it music, has displayed the urheen timbre delightful gentle performance special skill, will listen both to express feelings, the Beijing style to be full exquisitely, and will not lose the sonorous powerful place, music mood fluctuation repeat swings, the change will be careful, musical beat partial melodies sprightly smooth, by the urheen continuously the fast figure and the clear bright timbre, will entrust with this section of musics fresh and the active characteristic, but long will draw out a syllable appearance, also will then cause it alone lyricism, this music from differentThe angle expresses thinks of the ancient exquisite feeling, takes to the people infinite province to think with recalls.


A lay person who blasphemes, if he is a noble, is to be fined a penalty of twenty-five ducats; for the second offence the fine is fifty ducats, which are to be applied to the fabric of the basilica of the prince of the apostles in Rome; for other offences he is to be punished as set out below; for a third fault, however, he is to lose his noble status.

一位非法律界人士谁亵渎,如果他是一个崇高的,是要被处以罚款25 ducats ;第二罪行的罚款是50 ducats ,这是适用於织物的大殿的王子使徒在罗马;因其他罪行,他将受到惩罚按以下规定;第三次故障,但是,他失去他的崇高地位。

Utter darkness The night of utter darkness My left hand dauts my right hand My the left ear is out of hearing I right ear of low tell I light pair of the head is low at low The low writes Say the language that the other people don't understand The sky like a huge wound I don't know the sky which belongs to oneself Whether have already started maturationing I think I be just drive God lose at world of Evil-doer If in this world I destine to without happiness So I then not Be fighting for At least I have happiness of belonging to my false now Ever Oneself's once saying summer isn't to does belong to my season In summer come of time I be just bury by myself Now Really came in winter I discover then to is that so chill in winter Originally The result had been expecting Oneself wants not just Only have a fan worry In addition to be fond of worry me can also do what Do you wait for???

完全黑暗夜晚完全黑暗我的左手dauts我的右手我的左耳是出于听证会不对的耳朵告诉低 i轻型双首长是很低很低低写道:说的语言,即其他人不明白天空就像是一个巨大的伤口我不知道天空属于自己是否已经开始maturationing 我觉得我刚才径上帝失去了在世界的邪恶行为人如果在这个世界上 i destine以无幸福所以我当时不争取至少我的幸福属于我的假,现在以往自己的,一旦说夏天是不是不属于我的季节在夏天来的时候我刚刚埋葬自己现在真正在冬季我发现,然后就是这么寒冷冬天原本结果一直期待自己想不只是不仅有范担心除了得到喜欢我担忧还可以做什么你等待???

Write the words lunatic, can not make real lunatic behavior but I revel in semi-sober among Banfeng like to drink a small wine Lose Tune acts can still uncertainty in the minds of state Banfeng, I think all too normal surrounding normal that I insisted another self-editing can put them familiar with it and let me be very difficult, Just as the executive and said "I have not drunk" embarrassment may not be the same dilemma lies in ourselves, but cause problems for others how to bring a half-drunk to also read "I have not drunk" person to dispose of properly - I thought that "I have not drunk" means edit out a normal ourselves, They will also agree that the normal I can this is not the side they will fight back "I know you did not get drunk", While supposed to give you a bath, or you make tea, shrub like vinegar in a meet each other, I think they recognize I did not get drunk They also want recognition I did not get drunk while I can really wake While walking, but already half-drunk, with Pan Feng.


If------ By Joseph Rudyard Kipling If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; I f you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or, being hated, don't give away to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise; If you can dream---and not make dreams your master; If you can think--- and not make thoughts your aim; I f you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two imposters just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools; If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and toss And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss; I f you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will, which says to them: hold on!


John Keith He weigh up to 780, lie, stand up 7 years in bed; In order to go to the hospital to cure asthma, the fire fighter has to prize and lose two windows of the apartment of his to hang him out with the hoist ; Accept , reduce weight therapeutic he nowadays , dream of , stand by oneself only …… 101 building of Taibei Known as "New land mark of Taibei "of 101 building have world to be most loud most in weight "Wind damping device " There are two world the most high-speed lifts , from the first floor to the 89th floor , needs only 39 seconds.


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(Goin' All Out) Nothin' to Lose

I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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