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longhorn ox相关的网络例句

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与 longhorn ox 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The fabled Paul Bunyan and his blue ox; legendary exploits of Jesse James.


Paul Bunyan was a giant lumberjack who helped settle the Northwestern Territory. Bunyan could cut down a whole forest in less than an hour. His giant blue ox, Babe, could carry off the logs in one load.中国物流博客'~Q/|G?


Java wood carvings mostly made of ebony and teak, which texture is hard and dense. There are many marvelous animals works, such as eagle, deer, ox, and the king of cartoon -–toucan. As well as legend characters, the vivid Java fish man, laden, and other abstract art works.

爪哇木雕大都用质地坚硬、花纹细密的乌木 ebony 、柚木 teak 等木料雕刻而成,精美的手工凿造出来的造型千姿百态,有栩栩如生的神鹰、神鹿、雄狮、雄牛等动物及具有代表性的红色卡通之王——巨嘴鸟 toucan 等各种禽鸟,有维妙维肖的爪哇渔夫、少女、有民间故事中脍炙人口的传奇人物,也有当代各种抽象艺术形象。

Wish you a great year of Ox and every success!President, the Greater Moncton Chinese Cultural Association


Wild ox of the Malay Archipelago.


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When She's On
Back In The Saddle Again
My Peoples
When I Pop The Trunk
Murder For Fun
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Sri Ramakrishna felt an unquenchable desire to enjoy God in various ways.


HW It's the biggest musical competition in the country, where dreams are made or broken.


On Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition devices, you can manage SMS messages much in the same way that you manage e-mail messages.

在Pocket PC 2002 的电话版设备上,你可以和治理e-mail消息一样来治理SMS消息。