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与 long-ago 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Chapter 4, the pricing of Asian geometric average option under stochastic interest rates is studied, assuming CIR model for the interest rates. Asian option is strongly dependent with path, usually have a long duration, the movement of interest rates becomes more important in pricing such long-dated options. The CIR interest rate model not only considered the interest rate behavior has mean-reverting but also take into account that the fluctuation rate is direct proportion with the square root of its interest rate. Finally, the method of finite difference for the Asian geometric average option under CIR interest rate model is given.


In the aftermath of the 2006 long after the third year I was finally able to shake off the long-Kang from the classical complex geometric graphics together out of me a headache to the extreme of the male fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster female.


Yet it must be noted here the ghost in a straight line should not jump (out of 3, except on behalf of),Look at the radar and found that the hall also has teammates in the ghost dance, to make full use of ghost dance features consistent jump around a circular motion as long as there are latent with a 3-4, issued by the sound of breathing can be certain of successInterfere with the opponent, this time as long as you defend the scope of Flying, we must not hesitate, he will be killed (the two stand together to defend the case should make a prompt decision).


The study has shown:(1) With increasing sediment depth and the woody giblets, the total organic carbon, the extraction of benzene , the total humic acids and the unhydrolyte are enhanced, while the hydrolyte is decreasing.(2) According to the GC-MS analysis, n-alkane,n-alkan-2-ones and n-alkanones are composed mainly of long-chains,such a result is thought to be characteristic of a herbaceous input from 2300a.B.P. n-alkanones exist in the samples may be considered as the evidence of microorganisms activity.(3) It is showed that the lipids is more sensitive to the climate change than the floristic. The proxy of the pollen spore of the peat stratum is different from the normal environment proxy. It is one of the main reasons that the sensitivity difference of the bog vegetation reacting to the climate isn't accordant with the log of the fat molecule fossil and biology fossil.(4) The transformation of the peat organic carbon is under the influence of temperature,acidity,organic material constituting, etc, and it showed the up-trend with the depth. In the short-term scale, the conversion of the peat organic carbon is effected by seasonal water,regional climate and vegetations; while in the long-term scale, it is controlled mainly by the climate.(5) According to the comparing the orderliness of organic compound,vegetation giblets with the depth to the characteristics of the peat molecule fossil with the section, in the development of this peatmire, 1500a B.P(210cm)is regard as the borderline of the late Holocene, the keynote of the front period is warm with several cold fluctuations, and the trend of the back period is dry and cold although there were several fluctuations.

研究表明:(1)随深度的增高及植物残体中木本残体的增多,总有机碳、苯萃取物、总腐植酸、不被水解物含量逐渐增高,而易水解物含量减少;(2)GC- MS分析显示,正构烷烃,直链烷基2-酮和正烷醇均以长链组分为主,揭示了该泥炭柱剖面2347a.B.P的母源输入以草本植物为主;甲基酮类和短链正烷醇的存在是微生物活性很大的生物证据;(3)通过有机分子标志物与孢粉、植物残体等指标的对比研究表明:脂类化合物对气候变化的反映要比植物种灵敏得多,不同沼泽植物对气候变化的敏感性的差异是脂类分子化石记录与生物大化石结果很难一致的主要原因之一;(4)泥炭有机碳的转化受到温度、酸度、有机物质组成等很多因素的影响,短时间尺度,泥炭有机碳的转化受季节性降水、地方气候和植被等因素的影响;长时间尺度,泥炭地有机碳的转化,受气候条件控制;(5)总结泥炭分子化石特征、泥炭有机质各组分含量及植物残体组成随深度的变异规律,分析结果显示该泥炭地层形成过程中,1500a B.P(210cm)可作为划分前后晚全新世的界线,前期的基调是气候偏暖,但又有几次偏干冷气候的反复,后期气候以干冷为主,其间虽有几次上升波动,但整体趋势不变。

Some people feel giddiness after long exposure to sun or long travel .


It is said that there were two quite different kinds of people in Ireland: one set of people with long dark hair and dark eyes, called Fomorians -- they carried long slender spears made of golden bronze when they fought -- and another race of people who were golden-haired and blue-eyed, and who carried short, blunt, heavy spears of dull metal.


Changchun to take my company all over the country, all over the country to the vehicle in Changchun, LTL, air cargo transport, long-distance moving, special cargo transportation, the company has a flatbed, gondola car, Gaolan vehicles, semi-enclosed vehicles, closed vehicles, containers, etc. types of vehicles can take vehicles across the country, less-than-truckload, long-short-distance transport operations.


Oh, we've got a long, long way to goTo get there, we'll get there


Lyrics / Song Text for THE SEER AND THE SEEN By In Gowan Ring , from For The Homeless Heart The sands collect the signs of the ocean The winds hold sway to swell the motion The breeze that breathes upon the skin The leaves that leave yet only a skein Along, within, and through the years As stray as they never knew the way Allay the doubt, subdue the fear Afraid they never knew your name These seven years are not so long But long enough for what has come Or may have gathered at your seat Or might have blossomed at our feet Along, within, and through the years As stray as they never knew the way Allay the doubt, subdue the fear Afraid they never knew your name I gather at the heels in one more stand Briars at the feet, flower in hand The delicate world that wrapped around The disparate soul that it surrounds Along, within, and through the years As stray as they never knew the way Allay the doubt, subdue the fear Afraid they never knew your name

抒情诗 /歌本文为预言者及那见到被在延命菊戒指,从为无家的心沙子收集大海的告示风把握使摇动增大运动微风哪一呼吸在皮肤之上树叶哪一休假只有仍然一个一束向前,在里面,和整年像他们一样迷途从不知道方法使怀疑镇静,使服从恐惧害怕他们从不知道你的名字这些七年不这么长但是为已经来渴望充足或可能已经在你的位子聚集或可能在我们的脚开花向前,在里面,和整年像他们一样迷途从不知道方法使怀疑镇静,使服从恐惧害怕他们从不知道你的名字我在另外一个台子中的脚后跟聚集在脚的荆棘,在手中的花在附近包装的细致优雅的世界它包围的不同的灵魂向前,在里面,和整年像他们一样迷途从不知道方法使怀疑镇静,使服从恐惧害怕他们从不知道你的名字

On a long gravelly road we finally decided to turn around and go the long way back to the highway.


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Long Long Way
It's Been A Long, Long Time
Long, Long, Long
Long Long Way
Long Long Way To Go
It's Been A Long, Long Time
Long, Long Way To Go
Rocket Man (I Think It's Going To Be A Long Long Time)
Long Long Journey
Long, Long Way From Home

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
