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long long ago相关的网络例句

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与 long long ago 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The 'Joy Luck Club' of the title refers to four women who immigrated from China to the United States long ago: An Mei, Ying Ying, Lindo and Suyuan .


The Javanese word loro literally means two - 2 and sneaked long ago into the name of the myth about the Spirit-Queen born as a beautiful girl/maiden, in Old Javanese rara , written as rr ,.

爪哇字的字面意思洛罗2 -2和潜入到很久以前的名称,神话的精神,英国女王出生的漂亮女孩/处女,在旧爪哇受体a ,可作为受体a ,

Mobile and Havana became sister cities in 1993 and, so far as they can, have kept up their ties ever since. There is a long relationship between southern Alabama and Cuba which, several hundred years ago, were trawled by the same cast of French and Spanish explorers. In the 19th century Mobilian doctors helped their Cuban peers fight yellow fever by destroying mosquitoes and a Cuban student who studied in Mobile returned home with a baseball and bat.


My baby 20 months ago, who \ face \ ears after a long a lot of viral molluscum, tweezers to the hospital, and not very effective, is still spreading, I would like to ask this What kinds of diseases are transmitted on?


Not long ago, Tyrande discovered Malfurion's comatose body in his barrow den in the Moonglade.


The larva of Myrmeleontidae,called ant-lion ,had been used as medicine long ago in China.


Of the Hebrews, 8: Cuneiform tablets have been found relating to Chodorlahomor and the other kings of the East mentioned in the 14th chapter of Genesis, while in the Tel-el-Amarna correspondence the king of Jerusalem declares that he had been raised to the throne by the 'arm' of his God, and was therefore, like Melchisedech, a Driest-king. But Chodorlahomor and Melchisedech had long ago been banished to mythland and criticism could not admit that archaeological discovery had restored them to actual history. Writers, accordingly, in complacent ignorance of the cuneiform texts, told the Assyriologists that their translations and interpretations were alike erroneous.

说: &楔形文字片被发现有涉及chodorlahomor和其他国王对东提到,在第14章的成因,而在电话-埃及阿玛尔纳书信国王在耶路撒冷宣布,他已提升至王位由'武装'自己的主宰,因此,像melchisedech ,乾燥的国王,但chodorlahomor和melchisedech早就被放逐到mythland和批评,可以不承认,考古发现已恢复了他们的实际历史作家,因此,在沾沾自喜的无知楔形文字文本,告诉assyriologists他们的翻译和解释被同样的错误&。

Of the Hebrews, 8: Cuneiform tablets have been found relating to Chodorlahomor and the other kings of the East mentioned in the 14th chapter of Genesis, while in the Tel-el-Amarna correspondence the king of Jerusalem declares that he had been raised to the throne by the 'arm' of his God, and was therefore, like Melchisedech, a Driest-king. But Chodorlahomor and Melchisedech had long ago been banished to mythland and criticism could not admit that archaeological discovery had restored them to actual history. Writers, accordingly, in complacent ignorance of the cuneiform texts, told the Assyriologists that their translations and interpretations were alike erroneous.

说: &楔形文字片被发现有涉及chodorlahomor和其他国王对东提到,在第14章的成因,而在电话-埃及阿玛尔纳书信国王在耶路撒冷宣布,他已提升至王位由'武装'自己的主宰,因此,像melchisedech ,干燥的国王,但chodorlahomor和melchisedech早就被放逐到mythland和批评,可以不承认,考古发现已恢复了他们的实际历史作家,因此,在沾沾自喜的无知楔形文字文本,告诉assyriologists他们的翻译和解释被同样的错误&。

Since long ago, our country mostly adopts the nonvoluntary in hospital way regarding the mental disease patient.


Not long ago, he was tipped to win both Iowa and New Hampshire, where he outspent his rivals by huge multiples.


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...Long Time Ago
Long, Long Ago
A Long Time Ago
Long, Long Ago
A Long Time Ago
A Long Time Ago
Long, Long Ago
You Left Me A Long, Long Time Ago
A Long, Long Time Ago
A Long Long Long Time Ago

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
