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The results indicate that cultivated land quality gives priority to middling and high quality grade in Dazu located in hills region and Liangping located in low mountains and hills region, to middling and low quality grade in Pengshui located in low and medium mountains region, and to low and middling quality grade in Wuxi located in medium mountains region, which shows low or high hypsography gives significant effects on total quality of cultivated land in hills and mountains region.


Those who believe in the existence of in rebus universals are fond of saying, or have been in recent years, that these universals ("immanent universals" is a currently popular name for them) are "multiply located"—"wholly present" at each place at which the things that fall under them are present.

那些相信"在客体中的普遍性东西"存在的人,会乐意说,那些普遍性东西("immanent universals『内在共相』"是最近流行的称呼)是"multiply located"——在它们所在东西出现的任何地方"整个出现"。

Henan Cheng Thai Trade and Industry Import and Export Trade Co., Ltd. is one of the manufacturing and trading company located in Henan Province, Zhengzhou, there is more than self-employed and joint venture factory, the main product for all types of knitted garments Soe clothing, sports protective gear, sweaters, etc., under the jurisdiction of self-Taisheng Clothing Factory Ltd. is located in Kaifeng, Kaifeng City, Henan Province (the company one hour's drive from the Factory), Factory employees 220 people, mainly the production of woven jackets, pants, skirts, pajamas sets, ski suit, etc. woven garments, the main five joint venture factory located in Henan, Hebei, Jiangsu.


Article 241 A lawsuit brought against a defendant who has no domicile in the People's Republic of China concerning a contract dispute or other disputes over property rights and interests, if the contract is signed or performed within the territory of the People's Republic of China, or the object of the action is within the territory of the People's Republic of China, or the defendant has detainable property within the territory of the People's Republic of China, or the defendant has its representative agency, branch, or business agent within the territory of the People's Republic of China, may be under the jurisdiction of the people's court located in the place where the contract is signed or performed, the subject of the action is located, the defendant's detainable property is located, the infringing act takes place, or the representative agency, branch or business agent is located.


Article 243 In the case of an action concerning a contract dispute or other disputes over property rights and interests, brought against a defendant who has no domicile within the territory of the People's Republic of China, if the contract is signed or performed within the territory of the People's Republic of China, or if the object of the action is located within the territory of the People's Republic of China, or if the defendant has distrainable property within the territory of the People's Republic of China, or if the defendant has its representative office within the territory of the People's Republic of China, the people's court of the place where the contract is signed or performed, or where the object of the action is, or where the defendant's distrainable property is located, or where the torts are done, or where the defendant's representative office is located, shall have jurisdiction.


"Article 243 In the case of an action concerning a contract dispute or other disputes over property rights and interests, brought against a defendant who has no domicile within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, if the contract is signed or performed within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, or if the object of the action is located within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, or if the defendant has distrainable property within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, or if the defendant has its representative office within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, the peoples court of the place where the contract is signed or performed, or where the object of the action is, or where the defendants distrainable property is located, or where the torts are done, or where the defendants representative office is located, shall have jurisdiction."


The apoptosis of 80 mg/kg ﹒ d group was mainly located in spermatogenous cell and first spermatocyte; the apoptosis of 120 mg/kg ﹒ d group was mainly located in spermatogenous cell , first spermatocyte and spermatocyte of the second order; the apoptosis of 240 mg/kg ﹒ d group was mainly located in spermatogenous cell and first spermatocytes, and seemingly, the apoptosis located in first spermatocyte was dominant; whereas the apoptosis of 480 mg/kg ﹒ d group was located in all levels spermatogenic cells.

结果表明:各试验组小鼠生精细胞凋亡指数随着浓度的升高有增加的趋势,而且与对照组差异显著( P <0.05或 P <0.01)。80 mg/kg · d 组凋亡细胞主要定位于精原细胞和初级精母细胞;120 mg/kg · d 组凋亡细胞主要定位于精原细胞、初级精母细胞和次级精母细胞;240 mg/kg · d 组凋亡细胞主要定位于精原细胞、初级精母细胞,以初级精母细胞为最多;而480 mg/kg · d 组凋亡细胞定位于各级生精细胞。

Results 5 cases central gaugliocytoma and 2 cases colloid cyst were located at middle line of ventricle,6 cases medulloblastoma were located at the top of the fourth ventricle or super cerebellum vermis,5 cases ependymoma were located at one lateral ventricle,3 cases ependymoma were located at the fouth ventricle,2 cases papilloma of choroid plexus werre located at triangle area of lateral ventricle,2 cases meningioma were located at triangle area of lateral ventricle,1 cases astrocytoma were located at lateral ventricle anterior horn.

结果 5例中央性神经细胞瘤和2例胶样囊肿发生于中线室间孔区;6例髓母细胞瘤分别发生于小脑上蚓部和四脑室顶部近中线区;5例室管膜瘤发生在单侧脑室,年龄分别为28~36岁;3例室管膜瘤发生在四脑室,年龄分别为7~13岁;2例脉络丛乳头状瘤发生侧脑室三角区,年龄13~15岁;2例脑膜瘤发生在侧脑室三角区,年龄为15~71岁,1例巨细胞型星形细胞瘤发生在右侧脑室底部,年龄为30岁。

Most of cases had following characteristic MRI findings: olfactory nerve tumors were often located at anterior cranial fossae and appeared as lobulated mass; optic nerve tumors presented as nerve thickening; tregemimal nerve tumors usually grew across the middle and posterior cranial fossae and appeared as a collar-button appearance; tumors of Ⅷ nerves were nerve thickening and located at CPA; facial nerve tumor was located in mastoid with irregular shape; hypoglossal nerve tumors, vagus nerve tumors and hypoglossal nerve tumors were often located in an enlarged jugular foramen.


XX was originally located in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, Luo farm estates in the reform and opening up, Lo Uk Tsuen villagers have been planting rice, sugar cane and bananas for a living, life is not rich. 1983, XX, founder of Mr. Luo Xiansheng one from their own ornamental fish industry in Hong Kong relatives and get inspired to create the security industry, aquatic farms. At the beginning, Mr.

XX located in Dongguan is such a goldfish breeding enterprises XX 最初是一家位于广东省东莞市罗屋村的养殖场,在改革开放前,罗屋村的村民一直以种植水稻、甘蔗及香蕉为生,生活不算富裕。1983年,XX 的创始人罗先生先生从自己的一个从事观赏鱼行业的香港亲戚那里得到灵感,创建了安业水族养殖场。

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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
