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local effect相关的网络例句

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与 local effect 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In general, this paper includes several parts, shown as the following: The first part summarizes the background and outline of stock index future and introduce briefly its local status and CSI 300 stock index future contract. The second part has a retrospect of the main academic papers of both local or overseas, and also a discussion of relevant hedge strategies and models, to lay a solid theoretical foundation for the empirical analysis and test for the operation process of hedge in latter parts. The third part outlines the principle, key factors and real operation process of hedge. Moreover, it makes a empirical analysis on popular hedge models with HK Hang Seng index. In the end, it test the hedge effect of trading on IF0706, CSI 300 stock index future contract, with CCB select-growth securities fund as present underlying. The fourth and also the last part, explores how to define hedge ratio in china mainland market. It includes the stability test ofβfor local securities portfolio, adjustment of historicalβand best data length for estimation of historicalβ, etc. Also, the thesis makes some beneficial experiments on the definition of best data length for estimation of historicalβ, survey of fashion forβand variation for industryβs. Fortunately, it's got some meaningful results.


According to this understanding, this thesis tries to modify PSO algorithm in order to improve its quality of solutions. The main approches include: using uniform design to ensure the uniform distribution of initial particles in the design space; adding mutation operation to increase the diversity of particles; decreasing the maximum velocity limitation and the velocity inertia automatically to balance the local and the global search efforts; developing a new approach to treat the design variables exceeding the bounds; using extensive local searches to escape local minimum. The overall effect of these approaches can yield better results for most test problems.


On the second Business Day following the Acceptance Date if there occurs: an introduction of any new law or regulation or any change in existing law or regulation (or the judicial interpretation thereof); or any local, national or international event or change (whether or not forming part of a series of events or changes occurring or continuing before, and/or after the date of the Underwriting Agreement) of a political, military, inancial, economic or currency (including a change in the system under which the value of the Hong Kong currency is linked to the currency of the United States of America) or other nature (whether or not such are of the same nature as any of the foregoing) or of the nature of any local, national or international outbreak or escalation of hostilities or armed conlict, or affecting local securities market; or any act of God, war, riot, public disorder, civil commotion, ire, lood, explosion, epidemic, terrorism, strike or lock-out; and in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter, such change would have a material and adverse effect on the business, inancial or trading position or prospects of the Group as a whole or the success of the Rights Issue or make it inadvisable or inexpedient to proceed with the Rights Issue.


Objective: 1)Observe the feasibility of the model of egg protein induced leporid rheumatoid arthritis. 2)By pathology observation of pathological synovium, find out the transformation of AIA leporid arthral synovium after urea injection and the infection to local and general disease. 3)Find out if urea has obvious side-effect to arthral cartilage. 4)Mensurate the VEGF expression of synovium, investigate the effect of VEGF on rheumatoid arthritis and the effect of urea on VEGF expression.


Be in western in big development, the part of administration and local government and function are distinguishing, the action of administration basically reflects the drive that solving local government to undertake the system innovates and infrastructure construction to go up, the main effect of local government reflects the option that cuts a point in system innovation and specific system arrangement to go up.


In the exploration of ore with CSAMT in mountainous area, various filtering and phase integral method often cannot handle calibration for uneven terrain and local electrical static effect. To develop a new method to eliminate static effect is important for improving the CSAMT data processing and interpretation and application effect.


The spatial variation of seismic ground motions include the influences of the three factors of geometric incoherency effect,wave-passage effect,and local site effect.


objective to evaluate the effect of endoscopic splender dilation combined with photodynamic therapy and local chemotherapy in treatment of esophagocadial cancer stenosis.methods 91 patients with advanced esophagocadial cancer were divided into two groups: the control group (to receive pdt and local chemotherapy) and the test group (to receive endoscopic splender dilation plus pdt and local chemotherapy).

目的 评价经内镜探条扩张术联合光动力疗法及局部化疗治疗食管贲门癌性狭窄的临床疗效。方法食管贲门癌患者91例,按治疗方法分为对照组和联合扩张治疗组(经内镜探条扩张联合pdt及局部化疗)。

Case study made us realize that farmers attach more importance to farmings economic effect than its social effect and eco-effect while the local government should pay more attention to agricultural multi-effect.


To make a comprehensive view of metapopulation researches, we folly analyze and summarize the present concepts, theories and models of metapopulation in this paper, which primarily includes the dynamical models and simulation approaches of single and competitive metapopulations. Based on the Levin's patch occupant model, the center framework of metapopulation researches, primary principles and mechanisms are discussed. First, Levins rule: the fraction of empty patch will remain constant with habitat destruction as long as metapopulation survives. This rule implies that empty patches have determinant effects on persistence and conservation. Second. Allee effect of metapopulation is incurred by establishing difficulties and dispersal costs, which is important to the studies of reserve area and the minimum available metapopulation size. Third, we analyze the rescue effect that immigrants can reduce the extinction risk of the presented local population. Rescue effect can leads to the improvement of metapopulation sustainability and the decrease of fraction of empty patches. Fourth, the coexistence mechanism of two competing metapopulation is discussed, which suggests that competition-colonization trade off may be prevalent in competing systems. Finally, extinction debt ob tamed from coexistence mechanism is given, which depicts the lost of species richness in the future for the current habitat destruction. After theoretical discussion, we present two popular simulated approaches in metapopulations: probability transition model and stochastic process model.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
