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与 lively 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Their dancing posture and movements are elegant, the rhythm is lively and their fineries are


Kangourous -By playing the fioritura fast and alternately to describe the Kangaroo's lively movement.


In his "fire cage change," and "parrots, pigeons magic","Paper column hanging," and "men and women for Shadow","no fixed hanging ring" and other programs on the enthusiastic and lively performance style flowing closely the modern Young fashion style, won the majority of the audience favorite.


This product is cotton yarn-dyed jacquard series, the flow lines stripes, delicate texture, sober and elegant bed sheets, quilt, although there is no bright colors, exaggerated patterns, as lively and vivid.


Dangtu is known as "sea of the famous song" fine reputation,Dangtu folk song the melody is exquisite, the rhythm is lively, is rich in the Chiangnan region of rivers and lakes folk song the unique style.


Small time I lively active, has filled curiously to the new things, time takes to the streets with mother does grocery shopping, I first time see to have two big pliers, eight legs biology, I make mother to call her to buy to me, afterwards I like was willing to obtain it, after went home I to be very happy raises it in the keg, I put out a hand to trace its big pliers, the crab also gratefully face my hand maliciously to clamp, my pain 哇哇大哭, afterwards was at that time the daddy takes the fruit jelly I only then not to cry to me.


Los Angeles: Chung King Road Galleries Art gallery and studio openings make Chung King Road a lively place on Friday and Saturday nights.


The tail is carried horizontally or slightly elevated and displays a characteristic lively, merry action, particularly when the dog is on game.


The tail is carried horizontally or slightly elevated and displays a characteristic lively, merry action, particularly when the dog is on game.


Lively, gentle-mannered, demonstrably affectionate and sensitive though fearless with a well developed protective instinct.


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Lively Up Yourself

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
