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与 lively 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is our most solemn people, the most lively one traditional festivals.


His letters show that his capability to observe was matched only by his ability to describe, and they are made more lively by his overdeveloped sense of self-dramatizationas well as by his permanent sense of the greatness of his own fate.


Checks will be developed in lively colours and wide proportions, interrupted by fine lines or overprinted with dots and flowers.


On Thanksgiving Eve, side streets were filled with lively, noisy crowds. They were in stark contrast to the silent pickets walking slowly in front of padlocked theaters that looked forlorn even with lighted marquees.


The theme of this birthday is picnicking I am trying to prepare something lively.


My eyeground plunders to pass by on the road two side radiant billboards, these lively, all has nothing to do with me.


Itpossesses the following three characteristics:Thoroughness,based on pure"Ontology",which is characterized by non-objective thought and non-anthropological horizon,it bothexternally and internally transcends modernity;Constructiveness,the task of transcendingmodernity is not to advocate destructive post-modernity,which is in the condition of puretexts,like vacuum,but to re-construct lively"pre-modernity";Actuality,the practicality of thechannels of saving modernity——"thinking"and"poetizing"——determines the actuality ofhis critique.


The pairs of sister brand (and accurate to say that it should be "two-girl-Mark"), the bottle body, the most impressive is that goes on nostalgic poster, by the export customs Zuolin, the grandson of famous paintings KWAN painting design of the two lively and cheerful woman, a classic dress, pottering around in the garden of the screen, leisure moment, let me back in the seventies that time was the illusion.

而双妹牌(准确的说应该是&双妹唛&)的瓶身上,最使人印象深刻便是那张nostalgic poster,由外销画名家关作霖的曾孙关蕙农绘画设计,是两位活泼开朗的女子,一身古典打扮在花园里闲荡的画面,那一刻悠闲,让我产生时光倒流七十年的幻象。

Sometimes you can see very lively processions from big temples on the streets in Taiwan.


Quays,lakeside promenades,parks,elegant stores and lively streets and alleyways in the old part of town and its 2000-year history wait to be discovered.


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Lively Up Yourself

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
