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与 lively 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The narrative style of the Pentateuch is simple and natural, but also lively and picturesque.


Group in the periodic table there are silver-white metallic luster of the solid metal transition element, atomic number Z = 26, atomic weight of 55847, chemical symbol Fe, there is a stable F isotope 5626Fe and a radioisotope 5526Fe, content of 5% of the earth's crust, accounting for elements of in the fourth place, the metal in the second melting point 1535 ℃, boiling point 2750 ℃, the relative density of 786, the external electronic structure 3d64s2, chemical reactions 2-6 tram F-volatile son, oxidation number of 0, 2, 3, 4 , 5 and 6, the chemical nature of the metal element is very lively, in the humid air combined with oxidation, but also directly with the sulfur, phosphorus, silicon, carbon together.


As a result, it will help us a lot on mastering and using the animal onomatopoeias correctly, in this way, we will make our writings more copious, lively and more persuadable.


All was ready just for presence of this awarding, and nothing was there more powerfully persuadable beyond its so lively and real existence.


Its flowers havethe sunrise to blossom the habit which, the sunset shuts tightly,moreover grows by the phototropism way, therefore its colored languageis - the sunny weather, expands is: Frank, is lively.


Piaffe must always be animated by a lively impulsion and characterised by perfect balance.


The horse should remain light and soft' on the bit' and be able to go smoothly from the passage to the piaffe and vice-versa, without apparent effort and without altering the cadence, the impulsion being always lively and pronounced.


Pickwick Papers was modelled on the picaresquenovels of Smollett that Dickens had read as a child.and conveys an unforgettably lively picture of pre-Victorian England,about to be swept away by therailway era.


Gao Shi and cen Sen were the most outstanding representatives of "the frontier poem faction".with a kind of fresh and lively life content and vivid art style,they described a grand frontier scene and the arduous army life ,overflowing the matchless pillion to the grand rivers and mountains in our mmotherland,and arousing people's passion and yeam to the frontier.

摘 要:高適、岑参是"边塞诗派"最杰出的代表,他们以一种鲜活的人生内容和靓丽的艺术风格,描写了雄奇的边塞风光、火热艰辛的军旅生活,洋溢着对祖国大好河山无比热爱的真挚情感,激起人们对祖国边疆的热爱和向往。

During the process of making Doberman pinscher, we dyed the cow skin into black or brown, cut the hair down piece by piece and transplanted them onto the silicone model. We calculated carefully and strictly on the color distribution, growth trend and the length thickness. We promoted the dog's hair to grow by the speed of five square centimeters per day. And at the same time, after several tedious mechanical debugging, we gradually made it breathing. And finally it became a lively Doberman pinscher.


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Lively Up Yourself

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
