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与 lily-of-the-valley 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although the quality of day lily of Qingyang city is best in the whole country, the day lily is planted fragmentarily at the residence, roadside, bank of the canal, low bank of border, and district of field, and also do not form the best product region and suitable planting technology. The product region environment condition of day lily in Qingyang city was analyzed from2001 to 2005, the advantageous product regions of day lily in Qingyang city was planned, and planting technology of day lily was studied. The main result of study were as follows:First. Qingyang city belongs to dry agricultural region, its solar radiation is quite rich, but the water resources is short in all district, the agricultural production depends on the natural precipitation.

生产的黄花菜质量在全国名列前茅,但是庆阳的黄花菜多在宅旁、路边、渠岸、田边地埂等零星地进行生产,没能形成优势产区,对栽培技术研究也较少。2001年~2005年我们分析评价了庆阳市黄花菜产区环境,进行了黄花菜优势产区区划和旱作栽培技术研究,主要研究结果如下: 1 庆阳市太阳辐射比较丰富,水资源缺乏,农业生产靠天然降水,属旱作农业区,河流大部分水质较好,灌溉水源基本未受到污染。

The local river valley cultural tourism researches contain the shortage of three aspects: Did not put forward the concept of the river valley cultural tourism exclusively; Did not thoroughly and delicately discuss the river valley cultural tourism development combining with the river valley characteristics, the cultural characteristics; describing is a lot but quantitative analysis is little, the cultural tourism studies disjoints with river valley, the conclusion of river valley culture tourism development is little.


We introduce the research progress about functional components in lily such as lily-polysaccharide, lily-brownii, colchicum autumnale, phenolic compounds acylglycerol , phospholipids, mineral element, lily dietary fiber, especially its elements and structure, physical and chemical characteristics, and its physiology and pharmacody function.


As a symbol of purity, it became known as the Madonna Lily; to the Chinese people, lily means "Forever in love"; in Greek poetry, the lily stood for tenderness; and for Feng Shui believers, lily is an emblem of summer and abundance.


The technics conditions and characteristics of dietary fiber were studied with materials of the dregs of white trumpet lily and tiger lily after separating starch. Also the behaviors and kinetic model of adsorption of lily DF were investigated in order to provide theoretical evidences and technical guides for the comprehensive utilization of lily.

本论文以麝香百合和卷丹加工淀粉后的残碴为原料,探讨了百合膳食纤维(Dietary Fiber,DF)的加工工艺及其理化性质,并对其膳食纤维吸附特性和吸附动力学模型进行了深入研究,为百合资源的综合利用提供了理论的依据和指导作用。

Secondary stress field resulting from valley cutting is basically symmetric about the valley central line hut not of axial symmetry . From top to foot of valley wall , the tangent stress and the width of high tangent stress zone get gradually big , reaching maximum at the valley botton .


With Lanzhou lily as tested material, the influences of development degree of lily bud scale, scale segmentation mode and sterilizing medicament on the cutting propagation rate of lily bud scale were studied.


The methods for determination of the complete genome sequences of potyviruses, carlaviruses and potexviruses were also established. The complete genome sequences of 13 viruses(20 isolates) were determined while 10 of them were the first report in the world.Five of them including Lily symptomless virus (NC_005138), Lily mottle virus(NC_005288),Onion yellow dwarf virus (NC_005029), Lily virus X (NC_ 007192) and Shallot yellow stripe virus(NC_007433) were selected as the standard sequences of those viruses by National centery of Biotechnology Information, USA.

建立了马铃薯Y病毒属、麝香石竹潜隐病毒属和马铃薯X病毒属成员的基因组全序列扩增技术,完成了13种不同植物病毒近20个分离物的基因组全序列测定,其中10个病毒的基因组全序列为国际首次报道,百合无症病毒(NC_005138)、百合斑驳病毒(NC_005288)、洋葱黄矮病毒(NC_005029)、百合X病毒(NC_ 007192)和葱黄条病毒(NC_007433)等5条序列被美国国家生物技术信息中心列为相关病毒标准序列的有。

The smoothing intestine and relieving constipation function of mice is studied by establishing the constipation model with the dregs of white trumpet lily and tiger lily, and the DF of white trumpet lily as materials.


The function of health protection of DF was investigated using the dregs and DF of white trumpet lily and tiger lily as test materials with mices, in which the samples were prepared to the concentrations of 1.6g/kg, 7.8g/kg, and 15.6/kg body weight. The results as follows:Effects of the DF on the gastic-intestinal function of mice were evaluated based on the feeding weight, the alimental using coefficient, the defecating weight, the first defecating time, the moisture of the dejecta, the alvine advancing rate. The results showed the feeding weight and weight of mice fed by high and middle concentrations of Lily DF were significantly increased compared with controlpO.

本实验以麝香百合渣、卷丹渣和麝香百合膳食纤维为原料,探讨不同品种和加工方法对其功能的影响,将其分别配制成1.6g/kg、7.8g/kg重、15.6g/kg体重三个浓度,同时设空白对照组和模型对照组,以白鼠为实验对象,其结果如下: DF对小白鼠胃肠道功能的影响:以小鼠进食量、食物利用系数、排便质量、粪便含水量、首次排便时间、小肠推进率以及重量为实验指标,对小鼠进行改善胃肠道的功能评价。

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Rock A Little (Go Ahead, Lily)
Valley Girl
Just Be Good To Green
Darkest Valley
Katie's Tea
Gilded Lily
La Colline Des Roses
Come And I Will Sing You (The Twelve Apostles)

"Bird Man's Diary, Butting on the Love Island", Changsha, China


As long as they were in the service of a family of wizards, their magic would remain dormant.


It was time to hold a court and the subject for discussion was the future of that prisoner.
