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与 lightweight 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Naturally lively and naughty, Senator imparting skills in love with dexterous hands dagger and the universe circle Juanqingruyan, lightweight cute, like freedom unfettered.


The Diad is a waterproof jacket that's ultra lightweight, compressible, and most importantly, comfortable.


E even by Govi's standards, Seventh Heaven is a pleasant dinner-party assortment of lightweight, flamenco-tinged instrumentals for acoustic guitar and small ensemble.

承继了Govi一贯的柔和风格,《第七天堂Seventh Heaven》是一张由轻快恬淡的弗拉门科吉他和小合唱合成的令人愉快的宴会音乐专辑。

Tame even by Govi's standards, Seventh Heaven is a pleasant dinner-party assortment of lightweight, flamenco-tinged instrumentals for acoustic guitar and small ensemble.

承继了Govi一贯的柔和风格,《第七天堂Seventh Heaven》是一张由轻快恬淡的弗拉门科吉他和小合唱合成的令人愉快的宴会音乐专辑。

When you finally get around to washing your clothes, the lightweight and sturdy laundry bag with drawstring will get you to the laundry room without spilling any garments along the way.


Made of lightweight Duralumin, the addition of two outer springs makes the guitar easier to tune and provides much greater tuning stability.


Using this lightweight and low production cost's thermal control devices, we can control automatically the emissive heat transfer from the spacecraft without the need for any electrical power.


The shell of the liquid crystal auto-changing shade welding is made of high-performance plastic which is high strength and without leaking light. In addition to, by adding fire retardant and other special components , it has meet to the demand of inflaming retarding and could bear the high and low temperature .For resistance to impact, besides of choosing lightweight and high strength material, we also consider more in the aspect of the mechanics and human engineering in the design of the structure .In order to insure the comfort for wearing , we make the inside and outside protection piece and the shell of the face guard to a camber shape ,it also enhances the ability of resistance to impact.


Faille - A soft transversely ribbed fabric of silk, rayon or lightweight taffeta.


To an architectural style of the French Second Empire architectural style French interpretation of the new design to emphasize the overall decorative wall, especially the roof design, the use of heavy, elegant孟莎top, which is a period from Napoleon architectural styles, tall and prominent Lease with equal-shaped roof of the Georgia compact lightweight triangular fanlight, is simple and China and the United States.


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Pussy All Night
Isn't It Strange
Lightweight Jammin'
Electric Lady
Caught A Lite Sneeze

All things being equal, I prefer not to be bouncing off the walls.


It's true, the GTR demonstrated that E most definitely doesn't equal MC squared. How else can a car with 1700KG appear to be so lithe and nimble, so fast and manoeuvrable?

还真别不信, GTR带着1700公斤的车重,却有如此灵活敏锐梦幻般的操控表现似乎在跟爱因斯坦争论着E根本不等于MC的平方。

When pulverized coal dust at the MEC was dispersed in an entry, a cap lamp 10-feet within the cloud was not visible to observers standing in front of the dispersed dust.
