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与 life-or-death 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The family environment's influence to person is the most deep, the home life develops the last branding beaten for Human body heart, the whole life hard detrition, have already emphasized to want a function in the person's whole life growth the development the process.


Admittedly it is true that the increasingly rapid pace of life today has lead to an unutterable disarrangement in psychology and physiology of modern people and thus to some extent reduced the quality of human life, but one should not go too far to unduly exaggerate its negative effects. As a matter of fact, what the rapid life tempo benefits modern people is far much greater than its potential harms.


The construction of design ontology has effectively resolved the crisis and difficult position of development of design modernity, and provided power to surmount the disassimilation of the daily life. The design ontology makes design rediscover daily life, and "make the daily life become art" by design critique.


One may argue that there is a difference between the two: The Bosch's panels display imaginary aspects of human life painted to highlight the value of life in this world while Jiang's work raise a question via dramatization of distorted reality what is the valuable life.


You are this life water,I am the previous tea, Make one cup previous tea with the water of this life,In transparent cup,Precipitates is the previous Affection, The ebullition is this life love, This flavor is called---- the fate!


According to the main influencing factors, this thesis summarized the mathematic method based on the Larson-Miller formula of the service life analysis for the superheater and reheater; and intensity check method of the service life for the economizer, and the service life analysis process for waterwall.


AGA established 2 production bases in China Pearl River Delta Area, imported 6 Siti product lines from Italy and introduced the multi-roller printing which is the leading technology in the world. Its daily output is up to 30000 square meters. AGA also federated with the ceramic glaze company----Italy Colorobbia and Spain Torrecid as ASIA strategic alliance. More than one thousand kinds of items created an AGA tiles empery, and reappears the European noble living space. We regard the AGA Earl Exhibition hall as our mainly brand' spreading image , from the view point of life style ,decoration art and space esthetics, to successfully open up a life inspecting window for people to know about Earl history and taste about Earl' s life


Incredible life of a legend, it is so popular in the light of day, perhaps, than anyone who ever who, perhaps, ever so quietly walking companions, perhaps all, after many years of life have been rolling in eolian buried, only that section of the trip, but can be engraved in life.


Jing is a fundamental structure of Qihua which can't express any defference of future life at stage of Jing; Yin Yang expresses the evolution regularity of life which has defferent nature; five elements expresses a team of natural number which under five elements and it contral life to evolute at five stages.


With Saturn in your sign, life may be feeling quite heavy these days, as you are likely to be feeling the weight of responsibility more. Saturn's exact square with Pluto in Capricorn right now adds considerable intensity as you seem to be at a major crossroads in your life. You are ready now to let go of the past, in fact, it is essential that you do so in order to rebuild your life.


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The Life That Could Have Been
Life Is A Party
Get Out Of My Life
Everyday Of My Life
Life Itself
Life And Life Only
Dream Life Life
I Love The Life I Live, I Live The Life I Love
Life Is Life
Life After Life

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
