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与 life-or-death 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The life looks like me teacher, while teaches me to live principle, also lets me write down the growth diary in the heart, it let me understand anything was the life completely -- pursues the academic honor benefits of rank and salary, was not enjoys luxuriously, was not the escape, was not spiritless, but was must smile to the life.


Shui hu " in the life condition of character of of all kinds is in natural sex mostly what the deformation of content desire expands and belief of high administrative levels needs is serious be short of lose status, this kind of case created the tilts to concern with group life acerb conflict of individual life."


BZ said that everybody had to come at least once in their life for the Vipassana retreat. And everybody who had come said it was wonderful. Winnie even emphasized that once was not enough, and she wanted to stay on forever in the retreat! Oh, and Adeline said that the 10 days in the retreat were the most meaningful days in her life! Goodness, how could anyone enjoy such a life?!

槟中老师说,每个人一生至少也应该参加一次十日闭关,参加过的同学一个个说太棒了, Winnie 强调一生一次绝对不够,还说想永远呆下去, Adeline 则说这是她一生最快乐的10天……妈呀,怎么会有人享受这样的日子?!

Under this background, this article studies how to satisfy the consumers' current requirements of service function and consider the development of these demands in the entire life house. That is to say, how to utmost prolong its functional life in the physical aging so as to improve their adoptability of entire life.


The beginning of life is a great, life process is exciting, and at the end of life is aesthetic.


Who knows what beautiful and winged life, whose egg has been buried for ages under many concentric layers of woodenness in the dead dry life of society,deposited at first in the alburnum of the green and living tree,which has been gradually converted into the semblance of its well-seasoned tomb —— heard perchance gnawing out now for years by the astonished family of man, as they sat round the festive board ——may unexpectedly come forth from amidst society's most trivial and handselled furniture, to enjoy its perfect summer life at last!


He is friendly, after he save life of returning the first lieutenant, the first lieutenant which loses legs always can't die in battle to on the battlefield but still drag out a shameful existence by the 躯 of physically disabled to oneself but 郁郁 not 欢;Because first lieutenant is so a kind of person:he sees honor high in everything, he can't suffer ordinary, is sweet call to return to his confidence to life with the amicability, make him discover, there are even no legs,The life still can be filled with source of vitality.


Such reconsideration is also a layer of literature From the conclusion"lessons are useless"to the slogans"literature should be independent", they elucidated the opposite relationship between"explain aspiration"and"record doctrine"by stressing on the space of literary self-expression Such reconsideration can also be regarded as a layer of life From seeking the external life which without ampleness, running wild and moving restless, drying up and dull to pursuing the internal rich ample mind and gentle, leisure, aesthetic life state.


The thinkers of the Lunyu School fully expressed their persistence of individualism and their reconsideration in literary modernity Yet the persistence and escape existed side by side, this mode of behavior and thinking indicated that the self-subject of the modern scholars was illusive and was hard to carry on when the modern scholars were covered by the powerful tradition and deeply controlled by modernity's consciousness of time Chapter Two Reconsidering on the character of modernity with leisure ampleness, resisting the human alienation caused by modern materialism and mechanism with humor, reaffirming the space of self-expression, which formed the humor, the leisure, the modern, and the aesthetic spirit implication of Lunyu School But the modern scholar's powerful inclining to the tradition made Lunyu School's aestheticism draw close to live in seclusion And its aesthetic modernity is also discounted for that reason Chapter Three It is the emotion and the leisure manner owning by the middle aged people that help to bring about Lunyu School's essay's adjusting in main key and moving massively in theme Lunyu School changed the way for "gaining the experience of life"in the twenties'prose It went from highly enthusiastic writings to reserved life-concerning and recite with appreciation in everyday life

第一章 三十年代左翼文学以其"新"、"进步"和"时代性"确立了自己的合理性地位,而时代思潮的转换、文艺与政治的日益密切使五四自由知识分子所坚持的个人主义成了"落伍""颓废"的表征。论语派自由思想者充分表达了对个人主义的执着、对文学现代性的反思,但坚持与逃逸并存的行为与思维模式表明现代士子在忧生伤世的强大传统笼罩下和一往无前的现代性时间意识的深刻控制下,个人主体的难以为继和虚幻性。第二章以闲适的余裕对奔竞躁进、汲汲功利、一往无前的现代性特征进行反思,以幽默对抗现代物质主义机械主义对人灵智的异化,重申自我表现的空间,构成论语派幽默闲适的现代性审美精神内涵。但现代文人对于传统的强大趋同力,则使论语派审美主义向隐逸文化靠拢,其审美现代性由此大打折扣。第三章中年情感与闲适气度直接促成论语派散文基调上的调整及主题的大幅横移,在趣味、游戏、幽默、闲适中改变了二十年代散文"问世"的径路,从意兴湍飞的激扬文字走向了沉潜适世的生命关怀与日常人生的吟味与咀嚼。

You can only go in just one time, Perishable long and short life, if not to life many of the breeding to resort to emotional funeral music, life would become an empty skull.


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The Life That Could Have Been
Life Is A Party
Get Out Of My Life
Everyday Of My Life
Life Itself
Life And Life Only
Dream Life Life
I Love The Life I Live, I Live The Life I Love
Life Is Life
Life After Life

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
