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与 library 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

LADY AUDLEY went from the garden to the library, a pleasant oak-panelled homely apartment in which Sir Michael liked to sit reading or writing, or arranging the business of his estate with his steward, a stalwart countryman, half agriculturalist, half lawyer, who rented a small farm a few miles from the Court.


Museum and library supply AHU systems.


He was discovered hiding atop an air duct in the Library Mechanimagica.


I'd rather go to the air-conditioned library to do some reading .


In summer, more students like staying in the library because it is air-conditioned.


She pushed open the door of the library, which had been left ajar.


The network also announced that its entire 3,000-hour library of programming would be made available through Akimbo Systems ' VOD service later this month.

该电视网还称在本月的晚些时候,本台全部3000小时的节目将可以通过 Akimbo 电视系统的视频点播服务提供。

It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarmingly.


They are Aleph 500, the library automation system, MetaLib, the academic information portal system, and SFX, the original open linking service system.

旗下的三大系统:图书馆自动化集成系统Aleph 500、图书馆学术信息门户系统MetaLib和原创的开放链接服务系统SFX。

Whilst facilitating a long-standing objective to integrate within one system all major aspects of the Library's business – including Serials and ILL – the ALEPH software also provides sophisticated functionality which will significantly enhance user access to information.


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Library Pictures
In The Library
Love In The Library
The Library
Library Card
At The Library
Law Library Skit
Law Library (Part 8)
Law Library
Law Library (Part 2)

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
