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与 library 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Use the data of circuit breaker on-line working conditon monitoring of ShaoXing Power Bureau, applicate wavelet analysis theory and all kinds of signal dispoing methods, focus on vibration signal and winding electric current wave, at last, provide the fault diagnose result of circuit breaker, and build circuit breakers standard finger library and fault finger library.


Products are widely used in university library, public libraries, Xinhua Bookstore, audio-visual products shops, drug stores and other places,it is a good helper for optional Open-shelf commodities and modern management library.


Study jointly according to seminar of Beijing University library and job of Beijing library periodical and editorial " Chinese core periodical wants eye pandect "(1996 edition) announcement, this print is judged to be countrywide industry economy kind core periodical economy of industry of the first name, whole nation kind core periodical the first.


This website offers the access to the Map Library Catalog of the library at the Princeton University, USA. It contains 300,000 maps and charts, aerial and satellite photographs; 100 relief models; 15 globes; 850 slides, which are related to geology, geochemistry, geophysics, climatology, natural resources, land use, soils, water resources, remote sensing, topography, political and cultural geography, physiography, bathymetry, transportation, navigation, urban and regional planning.


The Merseyside County Museum and Library, the Walker Art Gallery, the Picton Library and the University of Liverpool (chartered 1881 ) are among the many cultural institutions.


If you opt to link a test module with the prebuilt dynamic library, this usage is called the dynamic library variant of the UTF.

如果选择将测试模块链接到预编译的动态库,这种用法被称为 UTF 的动态库用法。

The method is to setup distribution application functions foundation class library. By using foundation class library, the developing work can be simple and the migration jobs are predigestion.


There is implemented a driver program for the Wave library, which utilizes nearly all capabilities of the library.

在 Wave 库中实现了一个驱动器程序,它采用了本库几乎所有的功能。

There are some key technologies, such as knowledge library, ratiocinative mechanism, learning mechanism, expository mechanism, database and the inter-importing mechanism of neural network and expert system in this intelligent fault diagnosis system. The knowledge library, ratiocinative mechanism and learning mechanism all consist of neural network and expert system, and they should be treated separately.


There are two photos, one of Jon making the speech captioned "Jon waxes intellectual at Oxford Union June 15, and a posed smaller one of him holding a very old book in the library captioned "and cunningly conceals a copy of Razzle in the library.


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Library Pictures
In The Library
Love In The Library
The Library
Library Card
At The Library
Law Library Skit
Law Library (Part 8)
Law Library
Law Library (Part 2)

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
