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与 liabilities 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the calculation of actual solvency margin , the role of accounting is to recognize and measure assets and liabilities.


Federal law caps a spiller's liabilities at $75m, puny given the scale of the disaster. BP has already spent $450m on drilling relief wells, preparing the clean-up and giving grants to states; it has promised to pay all "legitimate" damages.


Article 177 The post-split companies shall bear joint liabilities for the debts of the former company before it is split up, unless it is otherwise prescribed by the company and the creditors before the split-up with regard to the clearance of debts in written agreement.


Prior to that, the development of Kim on April 8, 2008 Disclosure of Interests have been changes in the report that Shenzhen to Los race is not over 120,000,000 yuan in cash to buy part of the book value of assets of listed companies; listed companies in order to Its remaining assets and liabilities of all of the same race Shenzhen Luo held by the 51% stake in Wuhan Los race for replacement, replacement of the formation of a listed company from trading post to match Shenzhen Luo additional targeted pay.


ChapterⅤ. It expounds the meaning and characteristics of manipulating market, compares it with misrepresentation, insider trading, defrauding investors, legal stockjobbing and stabilization manipulation, analyzes the subjects of manipulating market, its subjective and objective conditions and manners of action and discusses the subjects of civil liabilities of manipulating market and the amount of compensation for loss.


Backdoor listing has become a large number of strong room rate fashionable and realistic option for the bank liabilities are weak, especially in private enterprises.


This new banking service not only departs from the traditional assets, liabilities, but also gives an excellent performance in the banking business that is becoming a hot point in banks competition. The services of China Construction Bank Liaoning Subbranch is on the stage of developing.


These elements all should be maximized as much as possible to ensure the greatest amount of suretyship allowed to you and your company: 1 Working Capital: This is the quick equation of all of the current assets subtracted by all the current Liabilities.


Article 37 If the leader of a region, department or entity alters by himself the data of general surveys of agriculture, orders by force or incites the general survey office, surveyor or object under general survey to alter any data or forge any false data, or retaliates against those persons who refuse or resist the alteration of any data or the formulation of any false data, he shall be given administrative sanctions or disciplinary sanctions, and the statistical organ under the people's government at or above the county level or the investigation team dispatched by the National Bureau of Statistics of China shall circulate a notice on criticism, and if a crime is constituted, he shall be subject to criminal liabilities.


Notwithstanding anything provided in Clause 13 above the realised sum or any part thereof may be placed and kept to the credit of a suspense account or securities realised account for so long as the Lender thinks fit without any obligation in the meantime to apply the same or any part thereof in or towards discharge of any moneys or liabilities owing or incurred by the Borrower to the Lender or in manner set out in Clause 13 above.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
