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与 levy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Guo Songhai: I think that apart from conventional practice of the past, and the idle idle housing tax levy, while the establishment of China's real estate in the property market oversight committee to carry out the necessary supervision.


Both advalorem taxes and specific duty are regular means of the levy of commodity tax.


Bankers in the City of London reacted with fury to government plans to levy an immediate 50 per cent supertax on banks ' bonus pay outs , saying the move played into the hands of rival financial centres .


Under the pressure of the Powers Beijing Government at last gave up the order that the Customs levy the Surtax, but the dismissal of Aglen was unchangeable.


The Susquehanna River runs right past our campus. The path along the levy is a great place to walk or jog or sit on a bench and contemplate how lucky you are to have found the Haven!


Comments: A program has not even planning the project, the long-term but not its people have only heard his voice in the market to achieve such fame, money levy of credit, but not for too long time to tantalize .


Before that, Shanghai's second-hand housing transactions only 1.5% of the deed tax levied, this new levy of sales tax is a disguised form of income tax in real terms.

在此之前,上海的二手房交易只有1.5 %的契税征收,这一新的开征销售税是一种变相的个人所得税的实质增长。

The government decided to levy a tax on tobacco; it had been free from tax.


An increase in Value Added Tax on mobile handsets priced over 10,000 rupees in Delhi is causing problems for the large mobile phone retailers. The retailers have been trying to persuade the Delhi administration to roll back the levy. Delhi is the largest market in India for high-end phones.


Personal income tax law: the sale of their own personal income to obtain housing by "transfer of property from" project levy personal income tax rate of 20%.

个人所得税法:出售自己的个人收入以获取住房的"财产转让,由"项目征收个人所得税税率为20 %。

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The Levy

The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
