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与 levy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But the open that accompanying total bureau of national tax Wu to be aimed at policy of fictitious money levy, of the bazaar of afore-mentioned fictitious worlds " gold digger " the interest will be faced with reapportion.


John Levy (1910-1976) was a skilled, sensitive and pioneering recordist who was also well-advised by leading scholars of his day.


John Levy (1910-1976) was a skilled, sensitive and pioneering recordist who was also well-advised by leading scholars of his day. His recordings were mostly of complete performances in natural situations.

昨夜在家里翻箱倒柜,终於让我找出一张尘封已久的英国 BBC 三十多年前出版的黑胶唱片,里面的 Programme Note ,恰巧提供了一点儿黄呈权先生病逝日期的资料!

Haikou newspaper December 21 (Reporter correspondent Xiaojian Hou Chen Tao) 0:00 yesterday, the province on the gas-powered taxi, bus vehicles not levy a surcharge to use compressed natural gas vehicles from 3.9 therefore Yuan / cubic meter reduced to 3.2 yuan / cubic meter, per cubic meter of natural gas fell by 0.7 yuan.


Introduced the mathematics theories foundation of the symplectic schemes, include the commonly established methods for construction symplectic schemes, which are symplectic Runge- Kutta method, symplectic propagation techniques and generating function method. A minimization of the truncation error-function and optimal Courant-Friedrichs-Levy number schemes are well established using sympletic propagation techniques.


The tenth year of the Sabbat Worlds Crusade was the first time the Tanith had been called upon by the Imperium to levy Imperial Guard regiments to support the crusade.


It is because Japan does not have the right to levy seigniorage only "if the ghosts in the global financial system loitering outside two decades."


From a cosmic perspective, the impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 into Jupiter was unremarkable: the cratered surfaces of rocky planetary bodies and satellites already bear testimony that the solar system is a shooting gallery.


"Property tax levy is not a single tax reform, but rather about the land use system, market regulation and control means, such as housing construction methods aspects of a profound transformation."


Shandong Economic College of Real Estate Economic Research Institute has proposed to Guo Songhai idle idle housing tax levy.


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The Levy

The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
