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与 letters 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you write to me, send your letters to me poste restante at the Bangkok General Post Office.


The shining sun rays spread a piece of golden on the paths through the trees, the pretty roses are wavering with the breeze, the paths are hiding under the crowds of flowers and the lovely morning glories lie on the path beside quietly, the grass is growing silently outside the windows covered with lichen, the waving stream reflects the busy and colorful life on the banks; the rays of the setting sun genteelly touch the old red gate and the ice-box full of family letters with the bird singing happily in the golden cage.


This was so wholesom Advice, and look'd so friendly, that I could not but be convinc'd it was the best Course I could take; so I accordingly prepared Letters to the Gentlewoman with whom I had left my Money, and a Procuration to the Portuguese Captain, as he desired.


A paper based on these findings appeared in the Feb. 11 issue of Geophysical Research Letters.


Their findings were published September 9 in the online edition of the journal Geophysical Research Letters .


All in all, the letters provided here remove all doubt about the validity of the stories about Lord Jeff and germ warfare.

总之,这里提供的这封信抹去人们关于lord Jeff 和生物战争故事的有效性的所有怀疑。

Israel, the poem by Amir Gilboa falls on the visitor in Hebrew letters.

在以色 展出的版本中,Amir Gilboa 以希伯文所作的诗在观众身上。

A team led by geologist Robin Bell and glaciologist Michael Studinger, both at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York, revisited two hidden bodies of water glimpsed in earlier surveys.

Bell领导的研究小组,利用最新的卫星影像、测高与透冰雷达资料,首次估算出它们的大小及深度,结果发表在2月份的Geophysical Research Letters期刊上。

A team led by geologist Robin Bell and glaciologist Michael Studinger, both at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth O ervatory in Palisades, New York, revisited two hidden bodies of water glim ed in earlier surveys.

Bell领导的研究小组,利用最新的卫星影像、测高与透冰雷达资料,首次估算出它们的大小及深度,结果发表在2月份的Geophysical Research Letters期刊上。

You'll now see the glyph overview window, which is where you can actually draw in your letters.


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Love Letters
The Last Three Letters
5000 Letters
5 Big Letters
Love Letters
Letters Of Regret
Poison Pen Letters
7 Letters Coked Out
Love Letters In The Sand
Love Letters

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
