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与 letters 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus Clement, in paternal solicitude for the Churches committed to his care, endeavours to heal a dissension at Corinth and insists on the principles of unity and submission to authority, as best conducive to peace; Ignatius, fervent in his gratitude to the Churches which solaced him on his way to martyrdom, sends back letters of recognition, filled with admonitions against the prevailing heresy and highly spiritual exhortations to keep unity of faith in submission to the bishops; Polycarp, in forwarding Ignatian letters to Philippi, sends, as requested, a simple letter of advice and encouragement.


Include lowercase letters or consist of more than two letters.


Read Mayfield , Chap. 2, Sections 2.1 and 2.5 on Correspondence (business letters, job application letters and memos).

阅读 Mayfield教材的第二章,第2.1和2.5节关于"沟通通讯"'方面的内容(商业信件、求职信和便笺)。

He found old meerschaum pipes, and soiled, crumpled gloves that had once been fresh from the Parisian maker; old play bills, whose biggest letters spelled the names of actors who were dead and gone; old perfume bottles, fragrant with essences, whose fashion had passed away; neat little parcels of letters, each carefully labeled with the name of the writer; fragments of old newspapers; and a little heap of shabby, dilapidated books, each of which tumbled into as many pieces as a pack of cards in Robert's incautious hand.


Interesting accounts of the impression produced by the performance at Rome may be found in the first volume of Felix Mendelssohn 's letters and in Miss Taylor's Letters from Italy .


The use of dialect in Celie's letters and the standard English in Nettie's letters forms a contrast, which makes Celie's voice more real and effective.


Writings of this kind are the pastoral or canonical letters of St. Cyprian, St. Peter of Alexandria, St. Basil of Cappadocia, and St. Gregory of Nyssa; the decretals and synodal letters of a number of popes, as Siricius, Innocent, Celestine, Leo I, etc.; canons of several oecumenical councils.

写作这种是典型畜牧或信件的圣塞浦路斯,圣彼得亚历山大,圣巴西尔的卡帕多西亚和圣格雷戈里的果树;的decretals和信件主教会议的一些教皇,如Siricius ,无辜的,巴巴亚罗,利奥一世等;大炮的几个oecumenical理事会。

The superscript signused to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a word,the possessive case,and the plurals of numbers,letters,and abbreviation s.


There are also letters on the spine of each book; these letters do not indicate or prefigure what the pages will say.


If you don't have the time or inclination to write your own letters ghost writers and prewritten letters can be great alternatives.


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Love Letters
The Last Three Letters
5000 Letters
5 Big Letters
Love Letters
Letters Of Regret
Poison Pen Letters
7 Letters Coked Out
Love Letters In The Sand
Love Letters

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
