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Samples of Austen's early writing from the epistolary Love and FriendshipA Collection of Letters allow readers to trace her growth as a writer as well as to read her fiction comparatively.

奥斯汀的早写作的样品-从书信的爱和信的 FriendshipA 收集-让读者追踪如一位作家的她的生长并且比较地读她的小说。

Jane Austen inherited the epistolary mode of writing novels from the 18th century, notably from Samuel Richardson, whose novels are written completely in the form of letters.


He also composed verse letters, elegies, epithalamia, and epigrams; they were published after his death as Songs and Sonnets.


There is in the letters nothing which is inconsistent with their belonging to the time from which they profess to come, and there seems to be no good reason for doubting that it was the epitomist himself who prefixed them to the book.


H. Organization with its ownership structure and functions equivalent to Korea Investment Corporation name to be determined through the exchange of letters by the competent authorities of both parties


G. Organization with its ownership structure and functions equivalent to Korea Investment Corporation name to be determined through the exchange of letters by the competent authorities of both parties


I have to thank you for your news letters,they are very helpfull,and this is why members grow interest in erg.


FDA informed healthcare professionals and patients that the Agency sent letters warning seven pharmacy operations that the claims they make about the safety and effectiveness of their so-called "bio-identical hormone replacement therapy," or "BHRT" products are unsupported by medical evidence, and are considered false and misleading by the agency. The pharmacy operations improperly claim that their drugs, which contain hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and estriol (which is not a component of an FDA-approved drug and has not been proven safe and effective for any use) are superior to FDA-approved menopausal hormone therapy drugs and prevent or treat serious diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, stroke, and various forms of cancer.

FDA通知医护人员及病人,FDA寄信警告七家药商,因为他们声称制造的产品安全又有效,这种被称为生物贺尔蒙置换治疗(bio-identical hormone replacement therapy," or "BHRT)的产品是没有医学证据的,产品的说明可能有错和被药商误导,药商不恰当的声称他们的产品含有多种贺尔蒙如estrogen, progesterone和estriol (此成份不被FDA核可且其安全及有效性尚未被证实)优於FDA核可的停经贺尔蒙治疗药物且可预防或治疗严重疾病;包括阿滋海默症(Alzheimer's disease)、中风和许多癌症。

It is not ethical to read others' letters.


Rapa-Nui is also famous for its unique hieroglyphic letters, in part deciphered by German ethnologist Thomas Barthel.

拉帕努伊也因它独一无二的象形文字而闻名,其中部分已被德国民族学家Thomas Barthel破解。

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Love Letters
The Last Three Letters
5000 Letters
5 Big Letters
Love Letters
Letters Of Regret
Poison Pen Letters
7 Letters Coked Out
Love Letters In The Sand
Love Letters

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
