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less and less相关的网络例句

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与 less and less 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Generally, topspin returns should be deep on the table; in fact, deep and less spinny is usually better than shorter and more spinny.


In the interspersed repeats (SINEs, LINEs, LTR elements, DNA elements), SINEs and LINEs occur most frequently, LTR elements occur less and DNA elements occur the least frequently.

在散布重复序列中,短散布重复序列和长散布重复序列出现的最多;长末端重复序列出现的较少,而DNA elements出现的最少。散布重复序列在大鼠和小鼠内含子中分别占插入序列总长度的33%和35%;散布重复序列在大鼠和小鼠内含子中分别占缺失序列总长度的18%和15%。

Gene rally,acceleration programs,e.g.grade skipping and early entry to university could allow students to be academically motivated,to enjoy shortened shooling and less financial expense for education .


Therefore, we see it hath done wonders, in popular states; but with senates and princes less; and more ever upon the first entrance of bold persons into action, than soon after, for boldness is an ill keeper of promise.

因此我们常见勇气在民治国家[w2] 中曾有奇效,而在有统治阶级或君主的国家[w3] 中则不如此之甚:又勇气总是在勇敢的人们初次活动的时候功效大,而以后就没有这样大了;因为勇气是不善于守信的。

Therefore, we see it has done wonders, in popular states; but with senates and princes less; and more ever upon the first entrance of bold persons into action than soon after, for boldness is an ill keeper of promise.

所以我们看见,这种勇敢在大众的( popular 或意译&民主的&)国家里创造奇迹,但在君主立宪的(或直译&有议会与君主的&)国家较少作为;这种勇士刚进入角色就有成就,但很快就失败;因为勇敢最不能保证诺言。

But here is a simple way to group-haul a climber out of a crevasse when traveling with two rope teams -- this method is faster and less complex than any other hauling method, and is often easier than having the victim prusik out of the crevasse by himself.


In Q1 and Q2, I was very pleased with the handling of my car but something changed in terms of balance on new tyres and less fuel, given that it gave me a bit too much oversteer.


The intensity is less and depth is higher comparing with ones of Yangtze River Basin in the Mei-Yu period and quasi-stationary front rainstorm in South China.


DI is the most ideal irrigation indicator as it is very much influenced by soil water potential and less affected by meteorological factors. DI value of zero is probably the best irrigation threshold. MDS is strongly affected by meteorological factors and requires reference MDS under well-irrigated conditions. RT on the other hand is not significantly related with soil water potential. Therefore neither of these variables is suitable as irrigation index.

DI 受土壤水势影响产生变化的趋势明显并受气象因子影响较小,是最理想的灌溉控制指标,可将 DI =0作为灌溉控制临界值; MDS 受气象因子影响强烈,变异性较大,且需要充分灌溉条件下的 DI 作为参考, RT 与土壤水势的相关性不高,因此均不适合单独作为灌溉控制指标。

Without "Bronek", as his friends knew him, polyglot, tweed-clad and cosmopolitan, Poland's return to the European family of nations would have been slower and less certain.


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You Deserve Nothing And I Hope You Get Less
Everyday I Love You Less And Less
A Little Less Talk And A Lot More Action
We Need A Whole Lot More Of Jesus (And A Lot Less Rock & Roll)
Everyday I Love You Less And Less

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
