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与 less and less 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Clinical features of measles in infants and children: time of fever was long, peak temperature of the fever was high, rash onset time long, more complications (especially to the younger infants and children); the main complications were pneumonia and enteritis; one patients died with death rate of 1.12%(1/89); compared the patients treated with antipyretics frequently and less frequently prior to hospitalization, the time of rashing and phase of fever had significant difference between the different treatment before hospitalization (P.05); 50 patients were diagnosed as pneumonia or bronchitis, 40% with reduction in absolute lymphocyte.

结果:本组流动人口占44.94%(40/89);年龄组以3岁以下的嬰幼儿为主,占71.91%(64/89),其中8月龄~3岁占56.18%(50/89);符合麻疹计划免疫接种条件75例,接种率为26.67%(20/75),流动人口接种率为7.5%(3/40); 74.39%(61/82)病例发病前均有多家医院就诊史,临床特点:热程长,体温高峰较高,出疹期时间延长,并发症较多;并发症仍以肺炎、肠炎为主;死亡1例,死亡率为1.12%(1/89);院外未频繁使用退热药组和频繁使用退热药组的出疹期和热程比较有显著性差异,P.05;本组50例诊断为肺炎或支气管炎, 40%淋巴细胞绝对值减少。

In recent years,it has been proved by basic and clinical researches that percutaneous coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction, is superior to medicines with higher repatency rate and less complications, such as cerebral hemorrhage, and is prior to CABG by it's little trauma and quick recovery.


The femoral circumflex arteriography of the normal leg was done in 8 patients, and three of them were simultaneously done in a postion of internal rotating of straight leg. Results Comparison with the arteriographic findings in absence of traction, all retinacular arteries but inferior arteries were depicted few branches and less femoral head perfusion in all 9 patients, especially in that of medial femoral circumflex arteriography, as hip joint was tractating in neutral position with the same speed and volume of injecting contrast medium and, the veins were demonstrated poorly or delayed.


This paper first discusses the nature of the kernel function,and then based on Riemannian geometry dependent on the data structure and method,an improved modifying kernel function is proposed,the kernel function is a simple and less calculation method,which conformal factor and support vector irrelevant,compared with previous studies overcomes the impact of support vector's number and distribution.


Accordingly three DNA computing models, the solution-based model, surface-based model and the combination of solution and surface-based model, were presented to solve 0-1 programming problem in the study. The advantages of massive parallelism, high-density storage and potential robotization of solution-based and surface-based model were well embodied and their shortages such as timewasting operations and less massive parallelism were also avoided by all means in these models.

本文用DNA计算解决规划问题的研究中,对0-1 规划问题分别给出了基于溶液计算、表面计算和溶液表面结合计算的三类DNA 计算模型,分别强调了溶液计算的高度并行和高存储性,表面计算的高自动化程度等优点,并进一步利用溶液与表面计算相结合的方法来避免各自的缺点,突出其优点,生物实验对溶液与表面计算相结合的模型进行了验证。

Methods:30 nomal subjects and 12 old myocardial in farction patients were inclade. The wall motion scove were analysed by experieced obsservers and less experienced obsevers and ck techniques.


In chronic stress group, comparing with the control group body weight, weigh of testis and epididymis and number of spermatozoon of the rats were remarkable decreased (P.05), and the structure of somniferous tubule became thin, the cells in lumina for spermatogenesis became less and 3β-HSD expressed in rat testis reduced 19.8%.

HE染色显示睾丸内生精小管细小,管腔内生精细胞稀少,免疫组化显示3β-HSD表达降低,western blotting分析3β-HSD降低了19.8%。

The accuracy of color ultrasound for stenosis of carotid bifurcation, subclavicular artery and vertebral artery were 93.0%, 92.8% and 82.1%.conclusion color ultrasound examination are effective for the diagnosis of carotid bifurcation sterosis, and less effective for the diagnosis of the subclavicular and vertebral artery stenosis because of the poor sensitivity.


The Masonry of this continent has gone mad after high degreeism and grand titleism. We tell the brethren, that if they do not pay more attention to the pure, simple, beautiful symbolism of the Lodge and less to the tinsel, furbelow, fire and feathers of Scotch Ritism and Templarism, the Craft will yet be shaken to its very foundations!

& &砌体这个大陆经历了疯牛病后,高degreeism和大titleism ,我们告诉弟兄们,如果他们不多加注意,以纯,简单,美丽的象征的投诉少到金属丝, furbelow ,消防及羽毛苏格兰ritism和templarism ,工艺,将尚未被动摇它的基础!

Sterane and terpane biomarkers of Lower Paleozoic source rocks in the Tarim basinindicated that there is closer relationship between crude oil and the Cambrian source rocksrather than the Middle-Lower Ordovician source rock, and less relation with UpperOrdovician source rocks.


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You Deserve Nothing And I Hope You Get Less
Everyday I Love You Less And Less
A Little Less Talk And A Lot More Action
We Need A Whole Lot More Of Jesus (And A Lot Less Rock & Roll)
Everyday I Love You Less And Less

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
