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less and less相关的网络例句

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与 less and less 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tumors in patients with HCV are multinodular and less differentiated, and were associated with a higher incidence of vascular invasion and cirrhosis.


Using Chlorophacine cost less and got good effects for killing mice over 86.5% and protecting plants more than 92%. Compared with mussal,there was no obvious differece on cost and effects,but Chlorophacine is cheaper,it is suittable to used in large areas instead of mussal or alternately.


Eventually such clumsy responses may make countries approach things narrowly and nationalistically, creating more global instability and less peace and prosperity.


I detest overly prescriptive diets that are impossible to follow, and the point was to eat more vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains and less meat, sugar, junk food, and overrefined carbs, without giving up foods I loved.


I detest overly prescriptive diets that are impossible to follow, and the point was to eat more vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains and less meat, sugar, junk food, and overrefined carbs, without giving up foods I loved.


It gre w strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation's a pathy; who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pa y and less sleep; it grew strength from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on the doors of perfect strangers; fr om the millions of Americans who volunteered, and organized, and proved that m ore than two centuries later, a government of the people, by the people and fo r the people has not perished from this Earth.


FeSi nanoparticles were synthesized via thermal decomposition of iron pentacarbonyl in the solution of dioctyl ether, stabilizers oleic acid and oleylamine. The TEM images showed that FeSi nanoparticles had cubic shape, but it seemed that the composition was not uniform. According to the EDS results, the Fe:Si ratio of gray-uniform nanopaiticles was almost 1:1, and blacker FeSi nanoparticles contained more Fe atoms. Although FeSi didn't have uniform structure, it still could be proved that the incorporation of Fe and Si existed in a single nanoparticle. All possible structure, lattice, binding, morphology, surface condition would be discussed. These results indicated that perhaps FeSi2 was the main structure of the new products; however, due to incompletely combination and less synthesized time, it might still contain some part of Si and Fe structure. Besides, FeSi nanoparticles preserved the optical properties from Si atoms, but the PL intensity was much lower. The maxima PL peak appeared at 388 nm with the excitation at 300 nm. Their saturation magnetization, remanent magnetization and coercivity were measured by the SQUID, exhibiting their nearly superparamagnetic behavior.

利用热裂解系统可成功将研磨矽奈米粒子及五羰铁结合,制备出铁矽奈米粒子;从穿透式显微镜照片可知其粒子呈现立方体型态,但颜色深浅及组成不均,EDS结果则显示颜色均匀之粒子铁与矽之组成大致为1:1,颜色较深之粒子则含有较高量的铁元素;尽管组成比例并不统一,但单颗粒子同时含有矽与铁两种元素,初步说明铁矽奈米粒子之形成;进行多种结构与表面分析并探讨所有可能之键结、结构及表面元素后,推测铁矽奈米粒子可能以FeSi2之结构形成,并同时包含未重组完成的矽及铁之结构;利用PL分析得知铁矽奈米粒子确实保留矽之放光特性,并在300 nm激发光源下,於波长388 nm处有一最强放光特性峰,但整体发光效益不及研磨矽奈米粒子之结果;最后,利用超导量子干涉磁化仪量测其饱和磁化量、残留磁化量、与矫顽磁力,发现磁滞现象并不明显而几乎呈超顺磁性。

The human cartilages are composed of chondrocyte and extracellular matrix , the form of chondrocytes are hypertrophy and the quantity are less; the ECM of cartilage are compised of type Ⅱ collagen and proteoglycan. Articular cartilages are all hyaline with little fibers. Trauma and arthritis are the main cause of cartilage injury, the ommilayer injury ofcartilage can be recovered by marrow, but because of without stimulation mechanism, the new tissues are merely fibrocartilages, they can not be coincide with hyaline cartilage in menchanics; the purely damage of articular cartilage can not stimulate chondrocyte to regenerate because of without blood circulation, thus, the plerosis of articular catilage can not depend on the proliferation of local chondrocyte. Ever since, people tried their best to find a way to reconstruct articular cartilage.

中文题名人骨髓基质干细胞成软骨诱导及多孔复合材料作为细胞载体的体外实验研究副题名外文题名 Cartilage induction of human mesenchymal stem cells and experiment on compound porous materials as cells' scaffold in vitro 论文作者刘晓岚导师周江南学科专业外科学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位中南大学学位授予日期2003 论文页码总数68页关键词骨组织工程软骨细胞骨髓基质干细胞壳聚糖高分子外消旋聚乳酸馆藏号BSLW /2003 /R68 /10 造成人体关节软骨损伤的原因主要为创伤和关节炎,关节软骨全层损伤可由于骨髓中间充质干细胞的高速增殖修复,但这种修复由于缺乏相应的刺激机制,只能形成纤维软骨,而不能形成符合关节生理、力学要求的透明软骨;单纯软骨部分损伤软骨组织内无血管,软骨细胞迁移迟缓,无法使损伤区域软骨细胞再生,因此,关节炎及关节创伤后的软骨修复不能依赖于软骨细胞的增殖和迁移。

satisfying provision before operation and perfect anastomotic technology play key roles in preventing anastomotic leakage, correct judgement and valid method are premise of cure.irrigation and drainage through presacral double-cavity tube is a simple, safe and less suffering method to treat anastomotic leakage after anus-preserved operation for low rectal cancer.


Results: At the end of 12 weeks, the efficiencies of both groups were equivalent P<0.05).Compared with pretreatment, the total scores of the PANSS, the Positive, the Negative and the general psychopathological factors were lowered significantly. But the scores of the experiential group were confidential lower than that of control group since the end of 2 weeks. As well as the adverse effects were less and milder. But the dose and fee per day in experience group were smaller than that of control.


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You Deserve Nothing And I Hope You Get Less
Everyday I Love You Less And Less
A Little Less Talk And A Lot More Action
We Need A Whole Lot More Of Jesus (And A Lot Less Rock & Roll)
Everyday I Love You Less And Less

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
