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less and less相关的网络例句

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与 less and less 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As our industry becomes more and more competitive you're going to see success within clubs and studios that focus more on customer service and less on fancy accoutrements.


For KISC, the technology shall firstly use high-phosphorus ironstone efficiently which can not completed by the current picking technology or blast furnace process, to greatly reduce ironstone cost that occupies the most proportion of iron and steel production cost, easy cost pressure caused by international and domestic shortage of production materials, induce transportation risk, to assuringly supply KISC with a great deal of cheap raw materials and create great economic profit; Secondly it shall promote KISC to update its products, especially high-added-value products of lowest phosphorus and lowest sulfur, to enhance its ability to adapt market and gain profit; Thirdly it shall improve technical and economic indexes of blast furnace and converter, and be helpful for efficient blast smelting and less-slag melting of converter process; Furthermore the technology shall greatly promote the stable operation of melting process and the control of the production of high-temperature and high-quality casting blank, to realize efficient continuous casting and continuous casting and rolling to improve KISCs production intensification; Finally the technology shall distribute melting functions and optimize production processes, to improve the auto-control of melting and continuous casting, to realize the integrated management of technology, equipment, production organization and management, logistic management, and production running of smelting, continuous casting and rolling.


Objective To explore livin, MTA1 and the caspase3 protein expression, their correlation and clinical pathology in colon cancer Methods The expressions of livin, MTA1 and caspase3 protein in 88 cases of colon cancer were detected by immunohistochemistry stainingResults Livin, caspase3 protein and MTA1 positive expression rates in colon cancer tissues were more than those in tissues beside the cancer Furthermore there were obvious relevance between livin protein, MTA1 positive expression rate and degree of histodifferentiation and lymph node metabasis and between caspase3 protein positive expression rate and degree of histodifferentiation of colon cancer Caspase3 protein expression had prominent inverse correlation with the livin expressionConclusions ①Over expression of livin having inhibtion on colon cancer is one of important factors of colon carcinogenesis ②Caspase3 protein expression in colon cancer tissues is inhibited to less and has prominent inverse correlation with livin expression Accordingly, suppressing caspase3 protein activity is one of channels, by which livin promotes colon carcinogenesis ③MTA1 plays the important role in histodifferentiation degree and lymph node metastasis of colon cancer

采用免疫组织化学染色方法检测88例结肠癌组织中Livin,Caspase3 及MTA1的表达情况。结果(1)结肠癌组织中Livin的阳性表达率显著高于癌旁组织,且Livin的表达与结肠癌的组织分化程度及淋巴结转移程度显著相关。(2)结肠癌组织中Caspase3蛋白的阳性表达率显著高于癌旁组织,且Caspase3蛋白的表达与结肠癌的组织分化程度显著相关。(3)结肠癌组织中MTA1的阳性表达率显著高于癌旁组织,且MTA1的表达与结肠癌的组织分化程度及淋巴结转移程度显著相关。(4)Caspase3蛋白的表达又与Livin的表达呈显著负相关。结论(1)Livin在结肠癌组织中过表达,它可能是促进结肠癌发生的重要因素之一。(2)Caspase3蛋白在结肠癌组织中表达被抑制而降低,且与Livin的表达呈负相关。因此,抑制Caspase3蛋白的活性是Livin促进结肠癌发生的途径之一。(3)MTA1对结肠癌的组织分化及淋巴转移发挥重要作用。

The present study investigatated the effect on the diversification of weed community, including weed abundance, dominance, evenness, biomass, and mean height after mulching straw and intercropping white clover in the tea plantation from 2005 to 2006. The results were as follows: 16 families and 31 species were found in total. In April, the dominant species characterized with slow growth, lower biomass, and less than 30 cm height; in July those who grow faster with higher biomass and height became dominant; In September, these malignant communities reduced, while the oxalis and diffusa characterized with lower biomass and low height gradually increased. In the three seasons, the weed abundance, community diversity and evenness increased, and the dominance, the biomass and average height of weeds remarkably reduced after intercropping white clover and muching straw.

结果表明:茶园共有杂草16科31属31种,春季(4月)以生长速度较慢、生物量小、株高在30 cm以下的杂草为主,夏季(7月)以生长快、植株高和生物量大恶性杂草为主,秋季(9月)恶性杂草开始减少,酢浆草、白花蛇舌草等生物量小、株高矮的杂草逐渐增多;稻草覆盖处理茶园春、夏和秋季3个观测时期杂草物种丰富度、多样性、均匀度等指数均高于清耕对照,优势集中性指数低于清耕对照;间种白三叶草处理春、夏和秋季3个观测时期杂草总数量和生物量均显著低于清耕对照,夏、秋季杂草平均株高显著低于清耕对照;稻草覆盖和间种白三叶草处理春季茶芽重和产量显著高于清耕对照,鲜叶中游离氨基酸含量高于清耕对照,茶叶感官评审得分高于清耕对照处理。

Compared with similar advanced equipment, FPP Series mill has advantages as follows,① Adding the cutting and grinding function;② Extend the time of material pressing and cutting and grinding;③ Solve the sensitivity of keeping the proportional spacing and proportional thickness;④ Widened material input size;⑤ Material output size are in a perpetual state;⑥ Multifunctional machine is used to dry and grind and filtrate material;⑦ Auxiliary equipment is less and covering is small and investment is small;⑧ Noise is low and dust is small, it is beneficial to protect environment and keep physical and mental health for operation workers.

FPP 型系列磨机的结构形式是电机拖动减速机带动磨盘旋转,带有压力的磨辊在磨盘上自转,对物料进行碾压,磨内的物料在旋转离心力的作用下均匀进入碾磨区,磨辊对物料实施挤压、剪切、研磨,故破碎能力大,粉磨能力强,与同类先进设备相比:①增加了剪切研磨功能;②延长了物料挤压剪切研磨时间;③解决了对物料粉层均匀一致,厚度一致的过于敏感性;④拓宽了对物料的进料粒度;⑤物料的出料粒度永远处于受控状态;⑥可以对物料进行烘干、粉磨、筛分一机多能化;⑦辅机设备少、占地小、投资省;⑧噪音小、扬尘点少,有利于环保和操作工人的身心健康。

Results: boys and girls of junior middle school have remarkable differences on neuroticism and psychoticism , On the mood the girls is more stable and less obstinate than boys ; parental rearing pattern is influenced by the children's gender, the amount of children and the parents' occupation and the level of education ; Parental emotional warmth and understanding was significantly negatively correlated with children's neuroticismand psychoticism, parental severe punishment , excessive interference and rejection was significantly positively correlated with children's neuroticism and psychoticism, father's emotional warmth and understanding was significantly positively correlated with children's introversion and extroversion,mother's preference for children was significantly negatively correlated with children's introversion and extroversion.


PixTwix is an image processing ActiveX control featuring: advanced selection routines including irregular and non-contiguous selection regions, local and global magic wand selection, unlimited file based undo capabilities, both loss-less and lossy rotation routines, color channel manipulation functions such as mixing, adding, and multiplying, red eye effect removal by color clamping, unlimited number of user defined 3x3 convolution filters, image encryption and decryption, file checksum calculator, color count and histogram functions, blurring, sharpening, softening, edge enhancement, drop shadow, border and frame effects, range of low pass and high pass filters, logical operations on pixels, clipboard support, masking, skewing, range of color replacement functions, reversing, flipping and reflecting, blending, colorizing, tinting, grayscale conversion with user defined channel weights, texture filling, adjustment of brightness, contrast, saturation, dithered black and white images with user defined bias, embossing in different directions, antialiasing, zooming, tile, spray, mosaic and many other special effects and filters.

pixtwix是一个图像处理ActiveX控制项主题:高级遴选例程,包括非正规和非连续选择地区,当地和全球的魔术棒选择,无限的文件为基础的复原能力,无论是亏损少耗和旋转例程,颜色频道操控功能,如混合,加入,再乘以,红眼效应去除颜色夹紧,无限数量的用户定义的3x3卷积过滤器,图像加密和解密,文件的校验和计算器,彩色计数和直方图功能,模糊,锐化,软化,边缘增强,下拉阴影,边界和框架的影响,一系列的低通和高通滤波器,逻辑运算对像素,剪贴板支持,掩蔽,拉动了,各种颜色的更换功能,扭转,翻转和反映,共混, colorizing ,调色,灰阶转换与用户定义的频道权重,纹理填充,调整亮度,对比度,饱和度,抖动黑白影像与用户定义的偏见,压花,在不同的方向,抗锯齿,缩放,瓷砖,喷雾,马赛克和其他许多特殊效果和过滤器。

The conveyed medium can't be leaked outside. Thus it will not cause the environmental pollution and human body safety dangerous while exhausting the toxin and flammable or corrosive medium. 5、No electricity. It's safe and reliable while using in the flammable and explore places. 6、It can be soaked in medium. 7、It's convenient to use and reliable to work. Only open or close the gas valve body while starting or stopping. Even if no medium operation or pausing suddenly for long time because of accident matters, the pump will not be damaged caused by this. Once over-loading, the pump will automatically stop and possesses the self-protection function. When the load recovers normally, it also can start automation. 8、Simple structure and less wearing parts. This pump is simple in structure, installation and maintenance. The medium conveyed by the pump will not touch the matched pneumatic valve and coupling lever etc. not like other kinds pumps, the performance will drop down gradually because of the damages of rotor, gear and vane etc. 9、It can transmit the adhesive liquid (the viscosity is below 10000centipoise) 10、 This pump needn't the oil lubricant. Even if idling, it has any influence to the pump. This is a characteristic of this pump.

所以抽送有毒、易挥发或腐蚀性介质时,不会造成环境污染和危害人身安全; 5、不必用电,在易燃、易爆场所使用安全可靠 6、可以浸没在介质中工作 7、使用方便、工作可靠、开停只需简单地打开和关闭气体阀门,即使由于意外情况而长时间无介质运行或突然停机,泵也不会因此而损坏,一旦超负荷,泵会自动地停机,具有自我保护性能,当负荷恢复正常后,又能自动启动运行; 8、结构简单、易损件少,该泵结构简单,安装、维修方便,泵输送的介质不会接触到配气阀,联杆等运动部件,不像其他类型的泵因转子、活塞、齿轮、叶片等部件的磨损而使性能逐步下降; 9、可输送较粘的液体(粘度在1万博以下); 10、本泵无须用油润滑,即使空转,对泵也无任何影响,这是该泵一大特点

To consume less time and less memory, this paper presents a flow to generate DEM from Lidar data.


Later, some German schools fitted the girls with collars that looked like silver but tarnished much less and cost much less, this was called "German silver."


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You Deserve Nothing And I Hope You Get Less
Everyday I Love You Less And Less
A Little Less Talk And A Lot More Action
We Need A Whole Lot More Of Jesus (And A Lot Less Rock & Roll)
Everyday I Love You Less And Less

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
