查询词典 lender
- 与 lender 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
This Shylock was a money-lender and a cruel man—everyone hated him.
So the cunning money-lender suggested that they let providence decide the matter.
He asked the money-lender to have a heart and give him alittle time in which to pay his debt .
And through the remaining result of that action he acted as money-lender seven times in this very same Savatthi.
Until then, he has nothing to lend. To help Bassanio, he borrows money from a money-lender - and agrees to an unusual condition.
He condemns Shylock, the Jewish money-lender, not because of his Jewish ancestry but because of his excessive thirst for money and refusal to render mercy in the court.
Chen Lao-pa-I know he's a committee member of that confounded peasants' association. He's a money-lender himself, and he allows them to get away with their debts to me!
Do money-lender have risk about "popular collateral loan "?
I have been called upon to be an actor, friend, nurse and doctor, coach, finder of lost articles, money-lender, taxi driver, psychologist, salesman, politician, and a keeper of the faith.
Ihave been called upon to be an actor ,friend ,nurse and doctor,coach,finder of lost articles,money-lender,taxi driver,psychologist,salesman,politician,and a keeper of the faith.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Lender
- 推荐网络例句
I am accused of being overreligious," she said in her quiet, frank manner,"but that does not prevent me thinking the children very cruel who obstinately commit such suicide.""
Designed by French fashion house Herm è s, this elegant uniform was manufactured in our home, Hong Kong, and was the first without a hat.
由著名品牌 Herm è s 设计,这件高贵的制服是香港本土制造,是我们第一套不配帽子的制服。
Do not 'inflate' your achievements and/or qualifications or skills .
不要 '夸大' 你的业绩或成果,条件或者技能。