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legal action相关的网络例句

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与 legal action 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As regards the social cultural function of legal consciousness, it refers to the influence and action of social consciousness in the construction of socialist material civilization, system civilization and a civilization with a high cultural and ideological level.


A significant change in legal factors or in the business climate that could affect an asset's value, including an adverse action or assessment by a regulator (such as if the EPA rules that a company is polluting a stream and must change its manufacturing process, thereby decreasing the value of its plant or equipment).


The open source software companies should know the correlative laws very well on the side of rights and responsibilities to avoid tort, and should have own counselors. The users of open source software should use the approved software for the best of abilities. When dissensions happen and bargain doesn't work, the legal process should be taken action in local courts.


It is stipulated by The Code of Criminal Procedure of the People''s Republic of China, the 42nd item; The Civil Procedure Act of the People''s Republic of China, the 63rd item; and the Code of Administrative Procedure of the People''s Republic of China, the 31St item, that the audio-video material is an independent kind of evidence, so established the legal effect of it, symbol the development and the perfect of our country''s socialist law, Being a new type of evidence, audio-video material needs our study, probation and practice deeply, carefully and urgently, summing up the successful experience and failure moral, and then forming the comrades'' common interest, enriching and partaking the system of evidence science, developing it higher and wider; filling the vitality of the action of procedure, broadening the buglers'' outlook, raising the quality and level of enforcing the law.


Secondly, the author analyzes the many factors, such as precedents and continuums, vague and indeterminate legal terms, psycological considerations and social factors, which are especial ly conducive to s 1 id ing down s lopes in judiciary fields, thus, emphasizes that SSAs can provide courts and judges sufficient reasons to resist a certain action or policy as well as influence the ways by which judges make their decisions.


It is unfair that the laws rejected the embryo,s claims for damages. If the embryo was damaged when the medicals and doctors did not find the abnormal situations .The article analysed the legal case in other countries. As well as ,researched the jurisprudence of the wrong of action.


Accrual of Action The right to an account of his interest shall accrue to any partner, or his legal representative, as agai t the winding up partners or the surviving partners or the person or partnership continuing the busine , at the date of di olution, in the a ence of any agreement to contrary.


Does the company have a procedure to track the interested party's OHS, Industrial safety action and require them to comply with legal requirements?

3.7.8 贵公司是否制定程序追踪相关方的职业健康和工业安全活动,并要求其遵守法规的要求?

When the public legal right and self-right and others right are aggrieved by the actualizing action, any citizen has the right of self-defense.


A person shall, in civil action, have the right to appropriate legal assistance from State.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
