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与 left-handed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If Frank does miss the pocket it is either dead on the headpin or left of the headpin, because he missed his target several boards left, Frank Carries a 192 average, which would be even higher if he could consistently pick up a 10 pin spare.

Frank 只有在球偏离目标区好几块板时才会打到1号瓶正中央或左边而造成失误,他的平均分数为192,如果不是常漏10号瓶,分数可能会更高。

We are left alone with our hectic thoughts ricocheting left and right and nowhere to point them.


It was a slow-speed crash but Jorge was flicked a long way up in the air, at one point he was doing a handstand six feet above the tarmac. It let go as he picked the bike up from the long, long righthanded first corner and pitched it into the only slightly shorter left that is the second turn, the rear tyre skidding out to the right as it was asked to provide some grip on the left side. It was in fact a classic cold tyre crash.

那是个低速的事故但 Lorenzo 却被车子弹得老高,在那一刻,他被抛得倒立状并离路面有6英尺高(整体侧身前空翻落地重摔而导致双脚落地骨折);在直道尾那个长长的右弯过后紧接着是个狭小的左弯(见下图的上海赛道图上部分T3的地方),后胎经过长时间的右摩擦后正准备转向左边的时候就出事了,这实际上是个经典的&冻胎翻&(意指轮胎在预热不足的情况下失去抓地力而导致事故

It was a slow-speed crash but Jorge was flicked a long way up in the air, at one point he was doing a handstand six feet above the tarmac. It let go as he picked the bike up from the long, long righthanded first corner and pitched it into the only slightly shorter left that is the second turn, the rear tyre skidding out to the right as it was asked to provide some grip on the left side. It was in fact a classic cold tyre crash.

那是个低速的事故但 Lorenzo 却被车子弹得老高,在那一刻,他被抛得倒立状并离路面有6英尺高(整体侧身前空翻落地重摔而导致双脚落地骨折-详见下图);在直道尾那个长长的右弯过后紧接着是个狭小的左弯(见下图的上海赛道图上部分T3的地方),后胎经过长时间的右摩擦后正准备转向左边的时候就出事了,这实际上是个经典的&冻胎翻&(意指轮胎在预热不足的情况下失去抓地力而导致事故

Adhering band between the sigmoid colon and the left gluteus maximus is the outset in the lateral dissection in the left coloectomy.


Every soldier's bunk, closet, and footlocker had to be identical: toothbrush bristles pointing to the left, toothpaste placed above the brush with the label showing and the cap pointing to the left, razors with the sharp edge down and handle to the right. Exactly three pairs of socks had to be folded identically.


From the cleavage site of the T-DNA borders, no truncations occurred for nine left borders, most of the left borders deleted less than 35bp and most of the right borders truncated to 21bp.

从缺刻位置开始,大部分左边界的缺失少于 35hp,大多数的右边界序列缺失为 21hp。

The results showed that truncations of T-DNA borders, insertions of filler DNA and the formation of inverted and direct repeat occurred during T-DNA integration. From the cleavage site of the T-DNA borders, no truncations occurred for nine left borders, most of the left borders deleted less than 35bp and most of the right borders truncated to 21bp.

分析了233个T-DNA左边界和190个T-DNA右边界与水稻基因组交接位点的序列,结果表明T-DNA在整合过程中不仅伴随着左右边界序列的缺失及&filler DNA&的插入,而且还以单拷贝或多拷贝的形式插入在基因组中的同一个位点。

Baby found in the 32 days had bronchial pneumonia, upper left upper right lower right lung has left the shadow of 34 days immediately hospitalized.


In 1999, a 59-year-old woman patient with long-term obstruction and epistaxis of the left nasal cavity, sought assistance from our department. Clinical exam and C.T. scan showed 2-cm tumor at the posterior left inferior turbinate.


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I Left Something Turned On At Home
Life I Left Behind
Left Bank
Nothing Left To Do
Nothing Left To Lose
Dirty And Left Out
Dirty And Left Out (Mctague-lectro Version)
(It's Like You) Never Left At All
Nothing Left To Lose
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
