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与 left-handed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results There were 14 unconscious patients of hypoglycemic syndrome, of them, there were 3 patients with transient hypoglycemic hemiparesis on the right,2 with hypoglycemic hemiplegia on the right, 1 with transient hypoglycemic hemiparesis on the left ,1 with hypoglycemic hemiplegia on the left and 1 right-left mixed hypoglycemic hemiparesis patient and there were 3 patients with right side Babinski's sign.

结果 14例低血糖误诊的病例中神志模糊5例,昏迷9例,14例中发作性右侧轻偏瘫3例,右侧偏瘫2例,左侧轻偏瘫1例,左侧偏瘫1例,右侧肢体瘫痪与左侧肢体瘫痪交替出现的1例,右侧巴宾斯基征阳性3例。

RESULTS :① The left anterior descending branchwas most likely to be damaged;②The specificity between the wall-motion abnormality in A,AS,Apex an d single LAD disease was great (P.05);LAD and left circumflex artery infarcts could lead to AL and I regional wall-motion abnormalities respective l y;contractile function hypokinetic of the single I segment was mostly connected with LCX and right coronary artery injuries;patients with whole left ventricul ar contraction function hypokinetic always suffered from the three-vessel disea se .


Methods:Separately test the threshold values such as sense of cold, sensation of warmth, cold pain sensation and sense of heat pain of the testees on the left thenar eminence and left hypothenar eminence. Of the tests 28 persons were simultaneously tested of the identical left and right lateral positions and 21 persons were repeatedly tested two weeks later .


Were used to detect the experimental group and control group, supine position when the left renal vein compression section diameter of the expansion of paragraph a, b, left renal vein peak velocity pressure above Va, the pressure gradient, pressure, as well as the expansion of left renal vein peak velocity Vb paragraph and to observe the two forms of the spectrum, and then testing all the main subjects with renal renal artery, interlobar artery and renal blood flow velocity of the main renal artery resistance index; record of the experimental group urine test subjects in the number of red blood cells.


New Zealand white rabbits (3-4 months old, 3-4 kg weight) were the test animals, and they were divided into three groups proceeding in this study. In group A:One PLLA screw and one commercial screw were implanted in the right tibia. Two PLLA screws were implanted in the left. Furthermore, one PLLA bar was implanted in both right and left tibia respectively with onlay model in group B. Also,one PLLA plate was implanted in the left tibia and one commercial plate in the right respectively with onlay model in group C . Many tests were done on each sample in 1, 4, 8 and 12 weeks which included the observation of tissue response in group A, and the change of three-points bending, weight loss, molecular weight, crystallinity and morphology of fracture surface by scanning electronic microscopyin group B, and the change of three-points bending, weight loss and molecular weight in group C.

所使用实验动物为24只3-4个月大,体重3-4公斤的纽西兰兔,并将所使用材料及动物分为A、B、C三组进行。A组中於实验兔之右胫骨植入两支骨钉,一支为自制骨钉,一支为MacroPore市售骨钉,并钻一孔但不植入骨钉做为控制组;另於实验兔之左胫骨植入两支自制骨钉,另标示一区不钻孔不植入骨钉做为控制组。B组采用onlay1 模式於实验兔之左右胫骨各植入一自制长型片。C组也采用onlay模式於实验兔之左胫骨植入一自制骨板,於右胫骨植入一市售骨板,各於不同时间点( 1, 4及12周)将A及C组,而於( 1,4,8及12周)将B组内的植入物取出进行各种测试,包括A组的组织切片观察及B组的三点弯曲变化、质量损失、分子量变化、结晶度变化及扫描式电子显微镜观察断面型态改变及C组的三点弯曲变化、质量损失、分子量变化。

The cyclic variation of integrated backscatter and echo intensity of three different myocardial regions perfused by left anterior descending coronary artery, left circumflex coronary artery and right coronary artery (on the frozen frame of parasternal short-axis image,those position were approximately at the 12, 4 and 8 o'clock direction to the center of the left ventricle, respectively) were measured with HP-5500 ultrasonic system and DFY ultrasonographic quantitative analysis system.


The causes were right auricle injury by violently placing a electric catheter to it (n=2),coronary sinusinjury by violently placing a electric catheter to distal CS (n=3) and by intracardiac electric defibrillation using electric catheter electrodes of high right atrium and CS as current loop(n=1),perforations of right atrial wall (n=3) and left atrial wall(n=2) by sliding up of the transseptal set,and perforation of left auricle by misplacing the mapping catheter of left superior pulmonary vein to it (n=1). 10 cases of acute tamponade occurred during operation, and 2 after operation.12 patients were treated successfully with urgent pericardiocentesis, and no patients required emergency surgery.


The causes were right auricle injury by violently placing a electric catheter to it (n=2),coronary sinusinjury by violently placing a electric catheter to distal CS (n=3) and by intracardiac electric defibrillation using electric catheter electrodes of high right atrium and CS as current loop(n=1),perforations of right atrial wall (n=3) and left atrial wall(n=2) by sliding up of the transseptal set,and perforation of left auricle by misplacing the mapping catheter of left superior pulmonary vein to it (n=1). 10 cases of acute tamponade occurred during operation, and 2 after operation.12 patients were treated successfully with urgent pericardiocentesis, and no patients required emergency surgery.


Case Presentation: A 49-year-old male is a victim of diabetes mellitus. Due to osteomyelitis, he had received left third toe amputation, left second metatarsal sequestrectomy, and fourth toe shortening at distal phalangeal shaft two years before admission. He noted a fungating ulceration on his left dorsal foot which was at the base of the second toe 8 months before his coming for help.


Results:In comparison with fixation cross, recognition of neutral faces activated the left middle frontal gyrus, the bilateral precentral gyrus, the right amygdala, the left parahippocampal gyrus, the right postcentral gyrus and the left thalamus.


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I Left Something Turned On At Home
Life I Left Behind
Left Bank
Nothing Left To Do
Nothing Left To Lose
Dirty And Left Out
Dirty And Left Out (Mctague-lectro Version)
(It's Like You) Never Left At All
Nothing Left To Lose
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
