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The results showed that truncations of T-DNA borders, insertions of filler DNA and the formation of inverted and direct repeat occurred during T-DNA integration. From the cleavage site of the T-DNA borders, no truncations occurred for nine left borders, most of the left borders deleted less than 35bp and most of the right borders truncated to 21bp.

分析了233个T-DNA左边界和190个T-DNA右边界与水稻基因组交接位点的序列,结果表明T-DNA在整合过程中不仅伴随着左右边界序列的缺失及&filler DNA&的插入,而且还以单拷贝或多拷贝的形式插入在基因组中的同一个位点。

Baby found in the 32 days had bronchial pneumonia, upper left upper right lower right lung has left the shadow of 34 days immediately hospitalized.


In 1999, a 59-year-old woman patient with long-term obstruction and epistaxis of the left nasal cavity, sought assistance from our department. Clinical exam and C.T. scan showed 2-cm tumor at the posterior left inferior turbinate.


Turn right onto via Candia for 257 m, turn right onto via Tunisi for 92 m and then turn left onto via Sebastiano Veniero for 97 m. Turn right, take via Santamaura for 44 m and then turn left onto Viale Vaticano.


Gael Clichy: The find of the season - and we still don't know whether he's best at left-back or left midfield. I would definitely pick him as Arsenal's young player of the year.


Rutherford and Teller were both immigrants who became fiercely patriotic in defense of their adopted countries. Both often behaved like overgrown children, losing their tempers over trivialities and then regaining their equilibrium with a friendly smile. Both were father figures to their students, taking care of students' personal problems as well as their professional education. Both were more interested in the strategy of science than in the tactics. Rutherford made the decision to explore nuclei with an accelerator, and then left the details of the accelerator to Cockcroft and Walton. Teller made the decision to build a hydrogen bomb or a safe reactor and then left the details to others. Both had a lifelong dedication to science, but spent more time helping younger people than doing research themselves. Teller published his version of the hydrogen bomb story under the title The Work of Many People. The names of Cockcroft and Walton appear on the letter to Nature announcing their discovery but Rutherford's does not. My name appears on the patent for the safe reactor but Teller's does not.


This February, Saverio finally found a Skypephone in Taranto, and he called a lot of 3 Shops, but just only one left. After Saverio bought the phone, I started to search Skypephone at some 3 Shops also the sales hotline in Hong Kong, and also just have few left. The staff told me that the company will not order new stock again as the factory already stopped produce this model, so I think we are lucky.

到今年2月,阿沙终於在 Taranto的某一间 3 Telecom找到一千零一部Skypephone存货了,在他确认后,我亦在香港找了很多间 3才找到一部粉红色的,而且现时香港的存货只有几部,职员说因为厂商已经停产不会再出新机了。

There is a pretty good-sized Douglas fir on the left short of the fairway, which obscures part of the fairway bunker complex on the left.


Many women are left to raise families as their husbands and sons risk their lives trying to cross the US border in pursuit of a better future. But in the central state of Puebla, a hotel is providing many women with the opportunity to earn money for the families left behind.


R. Del Prato : According to some estimates there are probably not going to be so many major genes left around so probably a lot of genes with a poor or minor impact but altogether may generate the risk so that makes it more difficult to find out which genes are left.

el Prato教授:按照一些估计,很可能没有很多其他主要基因,很可能有许多作用很弱、很小的基因,但是综合起来可能产生风险,这将使发现其余基因更加困难。【本文章已有0人评论,点击查看。

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I Left Something Turned On At Home
Life I Left Behind
Left Bank
Nothing Left To Do
Nothing Left To Lose
Dirty And Left Out
Dirty And Left Out (Mctague-lectro Version)
(It's Like You) Never Left At All
Nothing Left To Lose
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start

Compared the voltage negative feedback wire-feeding speed regulation system supported by current positive feedback with the rotational speed negative feedback regulation system, the equivalent condition of the two systems is obtained. Then, a wire-feeding speed regulation circuit for the CO_2 welding machine is designed based on TL494 chip, which has the self-protective function under the condition of current overloading.


Make a model to help you determine the optimal number of tollbooths to deploy in a barrier-toll plaza.


Some utilitarians, Jeremy Bentham for example, have argued that pleasure and pain are the only things that are of universal intrinsic value; that is, that pleasure and pain are the only things that are valued for themselves, and other things are of value only because they produce pleasure or pain.
