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Right postcentral gyrus of frontal lobe(BA2,BA1),left inferior frontal gyrus (BA47),postcentral gyrus(BA43),right inferior parietal lobule(BA40),left superior temporal gyrus(BA22) and right insular(BA13) were evoked by twisting Shenmen point; But there were not evoked by acupuncture at nonpoint.


Right postcentral gyrus of frontal lobe(BA2,BA1),left inferior frontal gyrus (BA47),postcentral gyrus(BA43),right inferior parietal lobule(BA40),left superior temporal gyrus(BA22) and right insular(BA13) were evoked by twisting Shenmen point; But there were not evoked by nontwisting Shenmen.


Results:(1) In comparison with healthy comparison participants, major depression showed increased activation in left middle temporal gyrus(BA19), right inferior parietal lobule(BA40), left postcentral gyrus(BA7,BA5), right postcentral gyrus(BA7,BA5) and right precuneus(BA7), and decreased activation in bilateral superior parietal lobule(BA7) when explicit recognition of happy faces.

结果: 1。与健康受试者相比,抑郁症患者明确识别动态喜悦表情时活动增高的脑区包括枕颞交界处(左颞中回,BA19)、顶叶皮质(右顶下小叶,BA40;左中央后回,BA7和5;右中央前回,BA7和5;右前楔叶,BA7;),而活动降低的脑区包括顶叶皮质(右顶上小叶,BA7;左顶上小叶,BA7)等脑区。

objective trimetazidine has shown anti-ischemic properties to improve exercise tolerance without haemodynamic effects and direct cyto protective effect on the myocardium.however,it is not clear whether trimetazidine has beneficially effect on severe ischemic cardiomyopathy.methods 19patients(68±9)years with postnecrotic left ventricular dysfunction(ejection fraction31.7%±5.4%)were studied to examine the benefit of adding60mg a day of trimetazidine for3months to the classical therapy.the assessment included clinical evaluation,electrocardiography and echocardiography.results after adding60mg a day of trimetazidine for3months,attack of angina was relieved and dyspnea was improved(p.05).but heart rate,systolic blood pressure,rate pressure product,ejection fraction,left ventricular volume and global wall motion index were not changed.conclusion trimetazidine seems to improve clinical status while can not change oxygen supply-to-demand ratio without adverse effects in patients on severe ischemic carˉdiomyopathy.

目的 曲美他嗪是一种新型的抗心肌缺血的药物,能够改善患者的运动耐量和心肌的直接保护作用同时并没有血流动力学效应。但目前对于严重缺血性心肌病患者的临床治疗价值还需要进一步观察。方法 19例(68±9)岁确诊为缺血性心肌病(左心室射血分数0%)的患者在常规治疗的基础上加用每日60mg曲美他嗪治疗3个月,随诊观察患者临床情况以及超声心动图指标的变化。结果 19例患者均可耐受在常规治疗基础上加用每日60mg曲美他嗪的治疗,随诊发现患者心绞痛发作明显减少,运动耐量明显改善。同时患者心率、收缩压、心率血压乘积、左心室射血分数、左心室容量以及整体室壁运动指数无明显改变。结论缺血性心肌病的患者在常规治疗基础上加用曲美他嗪是安全的,同时其能明显改善患者的临床状态,而这种作用并不改变心肌氧的供求比值。

We study longitudinal motion characteristics during isovolumic contraction , ejection , isovolumic relaxation , early relaxation , atrial systole phases in left ventricular total and regional myocardium of myocardial infarction patients with three vessels lesions by Quantitative Tissue Velocity Imaging , assess systolic and diastolic function in left ventricular regional myocardium, discuss postsystolic shortening in isovolumic relaxation phase and its clinical meanings.

目的 利用超声评价三支病变的心肌梗死患者左室整体和局部心肌在心动周期各时相的纵向运动特点,评价左室局部心肌收缩和舒张功能,探讨其在等容舒张期出现的收缩后收缩现象及临床意义。

Results:(1) On the section lenticular nucleus firstly appeared,the appearing rate of the precentral sulcus was 33% on the left side and 30% on the right;However,on the section the precentral sulcus firstly appeared,the appearing rate of the lenticular nucleus was 97% on the left side and 100% on the right.

结果 :1 在豆状核首次出现断面上,中央前沟的出现率左侧 3 3 %、右侧 3 0 %。

RESULTS: Compared with patients in the non-AD group, those in the AD group showed decreased cerebral glucose metabolism mainly in the temporal and frontal lobes and the limbic system in the right cerebral hemisphere and the inferior frontal gyrus and precentral gyrus in the left cerebral hemisphere, and increased cerebral glucose metabolism mainly in the temporal and occipital lobes in the right cerebral hemisphere and the parietal and occipital lobes and limbic system in the left cerebral hemisphere.

结果: 抑郁焦虑组与非抑郁焦虑组比较,脑葡萄糖代谢下降的脑区集中于右侧大脑半球,主要位于颞叶、额叶及边缘系统,左侧大脑半球较少,主要位于额下回和中央前回;脑葡萄糖代谢升高的脑区集中于右侧大脑半球的颞叶、枕叶和左侧大脑半球的顶叶,枕叶及边缘系统。

During the BDST task, areas showing activation in healthy volunteers include bilateral middle frontal gyrus, left superior frontal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus, precentral gyrus, superior parietal lobe, suprarnarginal gyrus, Inferior temporal gyrus and occipitotemporalis lateralis gyrus, however, the left superior frontal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus and bilateral posterior parietal cortex in schizophrenic patients showed significantly less activation.

在*M河的侧m检查中治疗后,IA亚组的左侧额上回及左侧额下口的激活低下明显改善(P<O.05),H A亚组的左恻额上回及左侧额下回的激活低下明显改善P<O刀5),右侧领下回的激活降低(P<0.05)。结论门)首发精神分裂症患者在发病初期就存在认知缺陷症状,工作记忆等与前额区相关的功能缺陷是普遍而严重的。

The typical angina is located at the left of the sternum or precordium. The range of pain is fist size, and can radiate to left shoulder and back.

部位 典型的心绞痛位于胸骨区或心前区,有手掌大小范围,可向左肩背部放散。

He was severely shocked, and had four stab wounds, each l cm. Long: 2 in the left precordium and 2 in the left flank.


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I Left Something Turned On At Home
Life I Left Behind
Left Bank
Nothing Left To Do
Nothing Left To Lose
Dirty And Left Out
Dirty And Left Out (Mctague-lectro Version)
(It's Like You) Never Left At All
Nothing Left To Lose
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start

Compared the voltage negative feedback wire-feeding speed regulation system supported by current positive feedback with the rotational speed negative feedback regulation system, the equivalent condition of the two systems is obtained. Then, a wire-feeding speed regulation circuit for the CO_2 welding machine is designed based on TL494 chip, which has the self-protective function under the condition of current overloading.


Make a model to help you determine the optimal number of tollbooths to deploy in a barrier-toll plaza.


Some utilitarians, Jeremy Bentham for example, have argued that pleasure and pain are the only things that are of universal intrinsic value; that is, that pleasure and pain are the only things that are valued for themselves, and other things are of value only because they produce pleasure or pain.
