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law court相关的网络例句

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与 law court 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By signing this agreement, you (1) may be waiving your right to sue in a court of law; and (2) are agreeing to be bound by arbitration of any clams or counterclaims which you or CMS may submit to arbitration under the agreement.


And knowing that Utoland military law demands that any officer who sleeps with a lower ranking officer in the same chain of command must be court-martialed.

而且博学的那一个 Utoland 军法要求以一个比较低的排名睡觉相同的指挥系统的官员任何的官员一定是法院-martialed。

First, arrests like that in Leonard could amount to a prior restraint on speech, which is "heavily disfavored" under Supreme Court case law.


In fact , the judicial system and court verdict format of our country is featuring the abroad law indiscriminately , and disjoints completely with ancient .


In fact, the judicial system and court verdict format of our country is featuring the abroad law indiscriminately, and disjoints completely with ancient.


Article 2 When the people's court sells at current price the sealed up, distrained or frozen property, auction shall be its first choice unless it is otherwise provided for in any law or judicial interpretation.

第二条 人民法院对查封、扣押、冻结的财产进行变价处理时,应当首先采取拍卖的方式,但法律、司法解释另有规定的除外。

When the judgment rendered by the people's court takes effect, the illicit money and goods distrained or frozen as well as the yields accruing therefrom shall, with the exception of those that shall be returned to the victim according to law, be confiscated and turned over to the State Treasury.


If you're lucky you get hauled before the court of law.


When opposition newspapers there published the open letters the banker wrote to law-enforcement agencies in January outlining his allegations, Mr. Kulibayev won court injunctions ordering the print runs seized and banning publication of any material impugning his honor.


In the event a third party claims its rights for the ownership of the said products with the ruling of a court (or the reward of an arbitral institution) or a confiscation as punishment is made to such products by a state organ pursuant to law, Party B shall pay Party A a sum of fine for breach of contract equal to 30% of the total price of the purchase order and indemnifies all losses arising from such in addition to the refund of the sum already paid.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
