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law court相关的网络例句

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与 law court 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Consider this New York Times November 7 quote from prominent Islamabad lawyer Babar Sattar and relate it to US conditions post-911:"How do you function as a lawyer when the law is what the general says it is?" Consider also what lawyer and former cabinet member Athar Minallah said about Pakistan's Supreme Court: When the started acting for the first time in 60 years, they came down very hard.

认为这是纽约时报11月7日引述突出伊斯兰堡律师巴巴尔萨塔尔,并涉及到美国的情况后911说:&你怎麼功能作为一个律师,如果法律是什麼,一般说,这是&考虑也是律师和前内阁成员athar minallah说,对巴基斯坦的最高法院说:当开始代理,为第一次在60年来,他们下来很辛苦。

The Judiciary which is the baston of the constitution and the rule of law has on many occasions in the words of the retired Court of Appeal Judge, Dato' N.

我们看到作为执法人员的警察部队如何沦落到成为听命于国阵的工具;理应作为宪法捍卫者的司法机构就如退休上诉庭法官拿督 NH CHAN 口中所形容的作出违反法律的判决;而霹雳州苏丹殿下也在原任霹雳州务大臣拿督斯里莫哈末尼查要求解散州议会时也采取与殿下本身著作&君主立宪、法律之上及良好施政&中的立场

We do not admit that our tribunals legislate; we imply that they have never legislated; and yet we maintain that the rules of the English common law, with some assistance from the Court of Chancery and from Parliament, are coextensive with the complicated interests of modern society.


In order not to violate public interests continuatively, the procedural law simulates those who have common interests as"group"or"class", permitting its representatives to institute legal proceedings to the court.


On the eastern borders of Chancery Lane, that is to say, more particularly in Gook's Court, Cursitor Street, Mr. Snagsby, law-stationer pursues his lawful calling.


With regard to the fact that there is neither complete legal system nor independent substantive law or procedural one against juvenile criminality,it is necessary for judicial offices of different levels to perfect the judicial remedy,such as juvenile court system and suspending proceedings system.Other ways include:to change the state of single criminal,to break through the limits of single trial and to reassess the judge determination system and the juage's practice of abandoning designative jurisdiction,etc.


This article focuses some Continental European experience of pretrial court-related speech restraints, which usually disregarded by the mainstream literature, focuses on civil-law systems, which pay greater attention to safeguard the dignitarial interests of trial participants.


the reform of court institution ; the reform of judicial pattern ; the indicial law ; overall coordination


The last major issue and one that is often not taken seriously enough, has to do with lacunae in the rule of law in particular on intellectual property rights: obtaining some kind of justice in the first place and enforcing any resulting court orders subsequently.


The main outcome of the proposed new American law would be still more court cases, with lucratively knotty points of international jurisdiction involved.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
