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与 latter-day 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These results show that:(1) the results retrieved from the Abel integral and absolute TEC inversion are consistent on the whole at higher orbits altitude (~800 km), and in good agreement with those measured by ionosondes; the results retrieved from absolute TEC inversion are in better agreement with those obtained from ionosondes than that by the Abel integral inversion at lower orbits attitude (~500 km);(2) the maximal electron density N m from absolute TEC inversion is closer to N mF2 from ionosondes than that from Abel integral inversion, and the method of the former is more rigorous and effective than that of the latter;(3) absolute TEC is more sensitive to cycle slip than Abel integral, but for the two ways significant loss of inversion precision due to cycle slip always exists.

结果表明:(1)在较高轨道高度(约800 km),Abel积分与绝对TEC方法的反演结果基本一致,都与电离层测高仪反演结果符合良好;在较低轨道高度(约500 km),绝对TEC反演精度优于Abel积分反演精度;(2)绝对TEC反演的最大电子密度 N m较Abel积分法获得的结果更接近于电离层测高获得的峰值电子密度 N mF2,绝对TEC反演法更加严密和有效;(3)周跳对绝对TEC反演结果的影响较Abel积分反演结果的影响更为敏感,但无论哪种方法,周跳对反演精度都造成严重损失。

The latter, as before, when he fled from Lycurgus, king of the Edoni, took refuge in the depths of the sea; that is to say, in the flood of a mystery cult that was soon to encompass the world.


In the two great Mahometan families of the West, the rule is believed to be, that the uncle succeeds to the throne in preference to the nephew, though the latter be the son of an elder brother; but though this rule has been followed quite recently in Egypt, I am informed that there is some doubt as to its governing the devolution of the Turkish sovereignty The policy of the Sultans has in fact hitherto prevented cases for its application from occurring, and it is possible that their wholesale massacres of their younger brothers may have been perpetuated quite as much in the interest of their children as for the sake of making away with dangerous competitors for the throne.


Therefore, the early use of low-permeability reservoir development Diamond Anti-9:00 Well, diamond crack parallel to the main diagonal directions along the crack edge wells to increase water efficiency by the degree of widening further suppress the injection wells, well away from the row Kadoi premature flooded, and the overall benefit of fracturing; in the latter part of the diamond-shaped anti-9:00 Well Well turn the corner to form staggered rows like water injection means, thereby maintaining a high production rate and phase out the extent of mining.


There are three main distributions of this program, the latter two of which are paid versions.


Even in the latter region, however, the central government reserved the power to make official appointments and removals with the strict separation of religion from politics.


To owe his life to a malefactor, to accept that debt and to repay it; to be, in spite of himself, on a level with a fugitive from justice, and to repay his service with another service; to allow it to be said to him,"Go," and to say to the latter in his turn:"Be free"; to sacrifice to personal motives duty, that general obligation, and to be conscious, in those personal motives, of something that was also general, and, perchance, superior, to betray society in order to remain true to his conscience; that all these absurdities should be realized and should accumulate upon him,--this was what overwhelmed him.


The office expresses Bulumensaer, already signed and issue same subpoena to Facebook, awaiting latter response, because Facebook may is full of likewise " register malfeasant of on record sex in great quantities ".


Brucellosis is a serious and highly contagious disease of animals and humans (in the latter known variously as undulant fever, Malta fever and Mediterranean fever).


Australia has the very many world specialestanimal and the plant, for example the kangaroo, the collar ktranslitk,the needle mole and the duck mouth beast, former is the world biggesthas a bag of animal, but latter two is the mammalia animal which onlyspawns.


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Latter Days

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
