英语人>网络例句>latter-day 相关的网络例句

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与 latter-day 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this latter comparison, assignment to conditions was not random.


As to me, I'm in favor of the latter view.


Is forced to leave native place, latter had the enemy troop, the blood incarnadine white snow.


Then the correlation between translation teaching and the discipline construction is analyzed from two perspectives: one is to investigate the diachronic interactive relationship between the two—a relation of mutual influence and promotion; the other is to investigate the two by using the theory of systematology—a relation of inclusion: translation teaching is one of the subsystems of the discipline construction, and lies in the core position of the latter, the reasons for which the paper expounds and clarifies.


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The Sage of Omaha railed against the pointlessness of much of the work done by audit committees (while joking that he does not get asked onto compensation committees because they prefer Cocker Spaniels to Dobermans). Mr Immelt chose to focus on the incomprehensibility of accounting rules. Mr Greenspan mused on the inherent inflexibility of financial regulation. Mr Levitt, a former head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and Mr Rubin, who used to have Mr Paulson's job, sparred over the class-action culture, the former seeing it as broadly good for investors, the latter as bad for everyone except lawyers. Mr Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, bemoaned America's restrictive visa policy, which is depriving financial firms of talent.


The doctrine of estoppel will operate either where the agent has no authority to represent another as his agent, but the person who is now treated as the principal has conferred all the indicia of an agency on him or alternatively, the agent may have a real authority to act for the principal, but latter is estoppeled by his conduct from denying to a third person that the agent has additional powers.


DRDO scuttled a contract that was on the verge of being signed by India in 1997 for the import of a Weapon Locating Radar as the latter promised to prod uce it indigenously within two years.


DRDO scuttled a contract that was on the verge of being signed by India in 1997 for the import of a Weapon Locating Radar as the latter promised to produce it indigenously within two years.


I think the latter is the the course they will take and for the good of the game, I hope they do it sooner rather than later, because it is sad that it happened and it is sad that when the two best teams in the country meet, all we are talking about is indiscipline.


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Latter Days

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
