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与 latter-day 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For the last several decades, ecologist John Harte, has watched global warming shift vegetation in the Rocky Mountains from a palette of wildflowers to sagebrush, the latter of which is hardier.

几十年来,生态学家John Harte一直在对落基山脉的植被进行观察。全球变暖已将这里从一片鲜花原野变成了更具耐寒性的灌木林。

Martin Buber was an Austrian-Israeli Jewish existentialist philosopher. He was born in Vienna in 1878, broke with traditional Jewish religious customs at an early age, and joined the Zionist movement in 1898. He soon distanced himself from direct involvement when he joined the Jewish Hasidism movement, preferring the latter's spirituality to Zionism's politics; Buber posited a spiritual and cultural basis to the Jewish nation-state. He wrote his influential essay I and Thou in 1923 and, along with Franz Rosenzweig, translated the Torah into German. He resigned from his professorship in 1933 to protest Hitler's rise to power, and his Central Office for Jewish Adult Education worked to circumvent discriminatory Nazi legislation.


The Bulls in that 2007 draft wavered between Noah and Spencer Hawes, the latter coming on after being hurt last season.


The results suggest that two algorithms are efficient for the active headrest system, and when it comes to the narrowband noise, the latter algorithm is more preferable.


On the basis of these theories , the author brings forward a new perspective of research. Furthermore, all the demonstration establishes the theory basis for the latter positive study, and the author solves the practical problem by means of positive results. 2.This paper puts forward the management model "cardiogram of the capital returns change process". The author compares the capital returns change process with heart-throb, and introduces the system of firm's value creation.


In general, this paper includes several parts, shown as the following: The first part summarizes the background and outline of stock index future and introduce briefly its local status and CSI 300 stock index future contract. The second part has a retrospect of the main academic papers of both local or overseas, and also a discussion of relevant hedge strategies and models, to lay a solid theoretical foundation for the empirical analysis and test for the operation process of hedge in latter parts. The third part outlines the principle, key factors and real operation process of hedge. Moreover, it makes a empirical analysis on popular hedge models with HK Hang Seng index. In the end, it test the hedge effect of trading on IF0706, CSI 300 stock index future contract, with CCB select-growth securities fund as present underlying. The fourth and also the last part, explores how to define hedge ratio in china mainland market. It includes the stability test ofβfor local securities portfolio, adjustment of historicalβand best data length for estimation of historicalβ, etc. Also, the thesis makes some beneficial experiments on the definition of best data length for estimation of historicalβ, survey of fashion forβand variation for industryβs. Fortunately, it's got some meaningful results.


The latter is established by the teleology of presence, which is the source of the hierarchy in Hegelian dialectics.


A kind of cultural hegemonist relation exists between Western culture (and the relating strong culture) and Oriental culture, and the former infiltrates the latter in form of cultural colonization, which includes animated cartoon as one means.


Both of these were handed down by the Jews; the former by the Palestinian, the latter by the Alexandrian, Hellenist, Jews.

这两项被移交下跌犹太人;前者由巴勒斯坦,而后者是由亚历山大, hellenist ,犹太人。

There can be no doubt that both the work of Jason and that of his epitomizer were written in Greek, and that the latter was a Hellenistic Jew.


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Latter Days

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
